Entrepreneurs should be respected for their service, not for making money

Started by Sudhakar, Jul 13, 2012, 01:10 PM

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Today i had read a article on Silicon Startup which says,

Simple Statement :
Malcolm Gladwell compared Gates and Jobs, and said that entrepreneurs should be respected for their services towards humans and not for making money.

As brefied :
Malcolm compared Gates and Jobs, and said that entrepreneurs should be respected and acknowledged for their kind services towards humans and not for their exhilarating money making abilities.

More Info : http://www.siliconindia.com/news/startups/History-Will-Remember-Gates-as-a-Philanthropist-and-Forget-Jobs-as-an-Entrepreneur-nid-122221-cid-100.html

What i have learnt from it today - Being young, i should get affordable money to home, or we could die as per societies perspective. Young startups will always have issues till they became a profesional company and audits. Over millions of young startups were giving solutions cheaper than microsoft license, but working with 0 profits till they give up one day saying we are rulled out in the business.