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VB.Net Interview Questions and Answers

Started by Kalyan, May 03, 2008, 02:39 PM

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VB.Net Interview Questions and Answers

Can you define what is Jagged Array in VB.NET ?

Jagged array is multidimensional array.If jagged array is two dimensinal it also contain a table where each row can have a different number of columns.

A jagged array is really an array of arrays. To create a jagged array, you declare the array of arrays with multiple sets of parentheses or brackets and indicate the size of the jagged array in the first set of brackets.

What is DataType conversion in VB.NET ?

Convert one variable type to another one is called datatype conversion we can also caleed this casting in VB.NET some automatically conversion is also there.

Cbool CByte CChar Cdate CDec CDbl CInt CLng CObj CShort CSng CStr CType Asc.

What do u mean by Redim in VB.NET ?

In we use Redim and erase to manipulate Array. Once we declare an array the size set to array its makes limited to that range but with the help of redim we used to change the array size.

Redim arr(6)
we can also used preserve to save these values.
Redim Preserve arr(6)

What is branching logic control in ?

Function and subroutines are the answer.The diffrence in two of them is function send information back from where it is called means function can return a value but subroutines can not do this.

Write the role of New keyword ?

New is used to initialize a new object. We sets a variable to any dattype with help of New keyword .The New keyword gives a value to the variable.We can also uses new keyword to initialize an object variable.

Example:- dim obj as new SqlDataAdapter.

What is diffrenet between import System.Data.SqlClient,System.Data.Oledb ?

System.Data.OleDB It contains the objects that we use to connect to a data source via an OleDB provider , such as OleDbConnection, OleDBCOmmand. System.Data.SqlClient It contains objects that we use to connect to a data source via Tabular data stream interface provided by Microsoft Sql Server.

This can be generally used to provide better performance because it removes some of the intermediate layers required by the OleDB provider.

What is the difference between DataTable and DataSet


Represents an in-memory cache of data we can also say data set is a collection of data table it is based on xml format ,it is used for data storing in cache as a disconnected recordset dataset is using data manipulation in cache wthout connection to database.


Represents one table of in-memory data data table can have one table only or we can say Data table is a collection of record's that consist the single table

What is the difference between VB and VB.NET ?

Object-based language and Does not support inheritance also ADO.Net does not give support for disconnected data architecture and there is No interoperability function and No support for threading.

On the other hand VB.NET is Object-Oriented Programming language and ADO.Net gives support for disconnected data architecture also provides interoperability and Its uses managed code and supports threading also provides access to third-party controls like COM, DCOM.


see here some selected .Net interview questions and answers
