Active Server Pages(ASP) - Data Base Questions - Part I

Started by VelMurugan, Nov 12, 2008, 12:22 PM

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Active Server Pages(ASP) - Data Base Questions

How can I make my SQL queries case sensitive?

Can I use the NZ() function without getting 80040E14 errors?

Why do I get 80040E37 errors?

How do I deal with MEMO, TEXT, HYPERLINK, and CURRENCY columns?

Why does ASP give me ActiveX errors when connecting to a database?

Why do I get 80040E24 errors?

Why do I get 80040E2F errors?

Why do I get 800A0CC1 errors?

Why do I get 800A0C93 errors?

How do I start SQL Server Agent from ASP?

How do I solve 'Operation must use an updateable query' errors?

How do I enumerate through the DSNs on a machine?

How do I connect to a non-default instance of SQL Server?

How do I debug my SQL statements?

Why does Access give me 'unspecified error' messages?

How do I handle BIT / BOOLEAN columns?

How do I get the stored procedures out of a database?

How do I sort out a query with optional parameters?

What is wrong with 'LIKE *'?

Why should I avoid NULLs in my database?

Which is better, rs(0) or rs("column_name")?

Why do I get errors about master..spt_values?

How do I create a cross-tab (or "pivot") query?

How do I simulate an array inside a stored procedure?

When should I use CreateObject to create my recordset objects?

How do I get the tables out of a database?

How do I handle alphabetic pagination?

How do I use a SELECT list alias in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause?

How do I change the order of columns in a table?

How do I determine if a table exists in a SQL Server database?

How do I determine if a table exists in an Access database?

How do I return row numbers with my query?

How do I get column names and datatypes for a table?

Where can I get this 'Books Online' documentation?

Why do I get script errors in Enterprise Manager's 'taskpad' view?

How can SQL Server tell me which row was inserted last?

How do I audit changes to SQL Server data?

Should I use for declaring constants?

Should I store images in the database or the filesystem?

How do I manage changes in SQL Server objects?

Which database platform should I use for my ASP application?

Why can't I install SQL Server on Windows XP?

Can I fix this mm/dd/yyyy <-> dd/mm/yyyy confusion once and for all?

How do I document / compare my SQL Server database(s)?

How do I upsize from Access to SQL Server?

How do I get the nth row in a SQL Server table?

How do I know which version of SQL Server I'm running?

Why do I get 8004D00A errors?

How do I rename a column?

Why do I get 80040E14 errors?

How do I prevent duplicates in a table?

How do I remove duplicates from a table?

Why do I get 80040E23 errors?

Where can I get basic info about using stored procedures?

How do I calculate the median in a table?

Which tool should I use: Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer?

What should my connection string look like?