Active Server Pages(ASP) - Data Base Questions - Part III

Started by VelMurugan, Nov 12, 2008, 12:21 PM

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Active Server Pages(ASP) - Data Base Questions

Why do I get SQLSetConnectAttr Failed errors?

Why do I get 80040E54 errors?

Why do I get 80070070 errors?

Why do I get 8002000A errors?

Why do I get 80040E57 / 80040E07 errors?

How do I get rid of Named Pipes / DBNMPNTW errors?

How do I find a stored procedure containing ?

Can I compact / repair an Access database from ASP code?

Why do I get 80040E10 errors? Updated 2002-09-04 14:56:04

How do I search for special characters (e.g. %) in SQL Server?

Why do I get 800A0BB9 / 800A1391 errors?

Can I have optional parameters to my stored procedures?

Can I make SQL Server format dates and times for me?

How do I get the correct date/time from the msdb.sysjob* tables?

How do I determine if a database exists?

Should I index my database table(s), and if so, how?

Schema: How do I get a list of databases in my server?

Why do I get General error Unable to open registry key 'DriverId'?

How do I protect my Access database (MDB file)?

What is wrong with 'SELECT *'?

How do I recover data from SQL Server's log files?

How do I protect myself against the W32.Slammer worm?

How do I find all the available SQL Servers on my network?

How should I store an IP address in SQL Server?

How do I determine if a column exists in a given table?

How do I protect my stored procedure code?

How do I create a database from ASP?

Why is Query Analyzer only returning 255 characters?

Why do I get 80040e4e errors?

Why do I get 'BOF or EOF' errors?

Why do I get 80040e30 errors?

Why do I get 800a01fb errors?

Why do I get 80040e09 errors?

How do I prevent NULLs in my database from mucking up my HTML?

Why do I get 'Not enough space on temporary disk' errors?

How do I deal with multiple resultsets from a stored procedure?

How do I send a database query to a text file?

How do I page through a recordset?

How do I handle error checking in a stored procedure?

Why do I get 800A0E7C errors?

Where can I learn about "Yukon," the next version of SQL Server?

Why do I get 80040E0C errors?

Should I use a #temp table or a @table variable?

How do I convert columns of values into a single list?

What are the limitations of Access?

How do I convert a SQL Server DATETIME value to a Unix timestamp?

How do I handle REPLACE() within a TEXT column in SQL Server?

How do I get the ID number of a just-inserted record?

How do I time my T-SQL code?

Why does AbsolutePosition return as -1?

How do I present one-to-many relationships in my ASP page?

Can I start IDENTITY values at a new seed?

How do I retrieve a random record?

Why doesn't SQL Server allow me to separate DATE and TIME?

How do I determine if a number is odd or even?

How do I temporarily disable a trigger?

How do I connect to SQL Server on a port other than 1433?

Why does my DELETE query not work?

How do I enable connection pooling?

Why do I get weird results when using both AND and OR in a query?