Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning of a Mobile Robot

Started by Kalyan, Aug 22, 2008, 09:13 PM

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Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning of a Mobile Robot

In this project, a novel genetic algorithm based approach to path planning of a  mobile robot is proposed. The major characteristic of the proposed algorithm is that the chromosome has a variable length.

The location of the target and obstacles are included to find the path for a mobile robot in an environment i.e a 2D workspace discretized into a grid net. Each cell in a net is gene, the number of gene in one chromosome depends on the environment. The location of the robot , the target and the obstacle are marked in the work place.

The proposed algorithm is capable of generating collision-free for a mobile robot in both static and dynamic environments.In a static environment, the generated robot path is optimal in the sense of the shortest distance.

The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by simulation studies.Keywords :Path Planning,Genetic Algorithm,Mobile Robot,Path representation,Obstacle avoidance.
