Headings and list in Html

Started by fashion, Aug 11, 2008, 08:48 PM

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The heading tag <hn> where n is a number 1 through 6. <h1> is the largest heading and <h6> is the smallest. Headings are different than the size attribute of a font tag. You may be asking yourself, why should you bother with headings, when I can just use the size attributes in the font tag and a bold ... tag. Heading tags can actually provide more information for search engines and web crawlers, which can make your website easier to find when searching on the internet.

Lists come in two varieties Ordered and Unordered. All lists start with the open list tag, and then each item in the list has a <li> tag, indicating it is a line item. When the list is complete, the list tag should be closed, since it is an element tag. Both lists have the attribute of type.

Ordered lists (numbers)
Unordered lists (bullets)

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