C++ Windows, MFC, Win32 Questions & Answers

Started by Kalyan, Jul 27, 2008, 10:19 PM

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C++ Windows, MFC, Win32 Questions & Answers

1. What is the base class for MFC Framework ?


2. If i derive a new class from CObject what are the basic features my derived wil get ?

Runtime class identification/ dynamic object creation (b) Synchronization (c) diagnostic support.

3. What is the use of CCmdTarget ?

Command routing
4. What is document-view architecture ? Give me one real time example for SDI ?

Representaion of data / and it view.

5. Can you explaing the relashionship between document,frame and view ?

CSingleDocTemplate /CMultiDocTemplate

6. How to access document object from view ?


5. What is the entry point for window based applications ?


6. Explain the flow for a simple win32 based application ?

WinMain() -> Wnd class registration ->window creation- > loop

7. How to handle command line arguements from simple MFC application ?

8. What is model and modeless dialog box ? Give some examples?

9. How to create open & save dialogs ?

CFileDialog with true or false value;

10.What is CSingleDocTemplate?

Used to bind SDI classs

11.What is the difference between hinsrtance and hprevinstance in WinMain function?
12.Explaing about MDI and CMultiDocTemplate ?

13.Tell me the different controls in MFC ?
14. What is the use of OninitDialog ?

15. What is the use of UpdateData funciton ?

Saving data from control to variable and vice versa
16.What is the difference between GetMessage and PeekMessage ?

1st one constantly seeks queue for message, peekmessage returns immidiately
17.How to update all the views whenver document got updated ?

18.How to handle RTTI in MFC ?

19.What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ?

Storing /retrieving object to/from disk


20.What is CArchive class dowes?

Object storage in Binary format

21.What is thread & process?

22.Explain about different kinds of threads in MFC?

UI thread/ Worker thread

23.Tell me about different kinds of synchranization objects ?

Creatical section/Mutex/Semaphore/Event