13 exciting birthday gift options for kids Shape Sorters - My Kids Diary

Started by sushmi, Oct 15, 2020, 11:08 AM

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Shape Sorters

No toddler can resist the lure of sorting solid shapes into their respective tabs. Shape sorters help toddlers develop their hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and recognise colours and letters. Not to mention, Not to mention, a sense of accomplishment they get when the task is done.

Shop Link: https://www.amazon.in/Webby-Wooden-Educational-Learning-Numbers/dp/B07L3YSZTJ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=1XWU7MDMZS4PI&keywords=wooden+shapes+toys+for+kids&qid=1556776911&s=toys&sprefix=wooden+sh,toys,255&sr=1-9&linkCode=sl1&tag=anuchiaai1-21&linkId=b5ce410924ac77da17ba99264b7e0213&language=en_IN

Keywords : Kids Birthday Gifts

Website - www.mykidsdiary.in

SOURCE -https://anuchiaai.com/parenting/kids-birthday-gifts/