30 Python Interview Questions that Worth Reading

Started by NiveRoshni, Aug 20, 2020, 02:14 PM

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Interview questions are quite tricky to predict. In most cases, even peoples with great programming ability fail to answer some simple questions. Solving the problem with your code is not enough. Often, the interviewer will expect you to have depth knowledge in a particular domain. One must have knowledge of internal mechanisms of the programming concepts. This article will help you to understand the most important concepts in Python.

Let's get started with the questions.

1. Why Python is called as Interpreted language?

Many books state that Python is an interpreted language. A programming language follows any one of the two approaches to implement the code. The approaches are compilation and interpretation. Some languages follow both concepts.

During compilation, the entire source code is converted into machine code. Machine code is understandable by the CPU. The program will be executed only if the entire code is compiled successfully.

In interpretation, the code is executed line by line. Each line of source code in Python is translated into machine code during the execution. There is a Virtual Machine available to interpret the python code. The compilation and interpretation runtime structure is given in the above diagram.

2. What is dynamically typed language?

It is one of the behaviors of high level programming language to check the type of data stored in a variable during the execution. In programming languages such as C, we must declare the type of data before using it.

Python do not requires and declaration of data type. The python interpreter will know the data type when we assign a value to a variable. This is why python is known as dynamically typed language.

3. What is PEP8 in Python?

Python known for its readability. In most cases, we can understand the python code better than any other programming languages. Writing beautiful and readable code is an art. PEP8 is an official style guide given by the community to improve the readability to the top.

4. How Python's memory management system works?

A python program will contain many objects and data types in it. Allocating memory for each object is must. In python heap spaces are used to store data chunks. CPython contains a memory manager that manages the heap space in memory.
Managing memory is an important thing in a program. The memory allocation determines the performance of the program. Python's memory manager handles sharing of information, data caching and garbage collection, etc. This memory manager contains automatic garbage collection.

5. What is mutability? How it differs in each data types?

The ability of a python object to change itself is called mutability. All objects in python are either mutable or immutable. Once created the immutable objects cannot be changed. But, the mutable objects can be changed.
Let us try to check the mutability of two different type of objects in Python.
List - Mutable object

6. What is Namespace in Python?

Name is an identifier given to an object in Python. Every object in python is associated with a particular name. For example, when we assign the value 9 to a variable name number , the object that holds the number is associated with the name number.
Namespace is a collection of names associated with every object in Python. The namespace contains all the isolated names and created when we executing the program. As the namespace contains the useful keywords and methods, we can access the , methods easily. The namespace stack controls the scope of variables in python.

7. What is null execution in System?

In python, the keyword pass is used to create a statement that do nothing. If someone need to create a function with null operation then we can use the pass statement.

We can create null function to check whether it works or not. If you are going to develop the implementation steps in a function in future, we can use pass statement in it.

Don't get confused with comments. Comments and pass statements are different things. The interpreter ignores the comments in a program whereas pass statement do null operation.

8. What is string slicing?

String slicing is the process of making subsets from strings. We can pass a range in the following syntax to slice the string.
Syntax: string[start:end:step]
Consider the string "Hello World". We can slice the string using the range values. To print 'Hello' from the string. Our range should be 0 to 5. The slicing creates sub string from start index to end-1 th index.

9. What are the ways to concatenate two strings in Python? Which is better?

We can use join() or + for concatenating two or more strings. The following codes will explain how to use those methods in Python.

10. What is decorator in Python?

Decorator is tool that allows us to modify the behavior of a function or a class. The decorator objects are called just before the function that you want modify.

11. What is generator in Python?

Generator is a method to create iterable objects in python. Creating generators are same as creating functions. Instead of return statement we have to use yield in generator function. It returns iterating object each time it is called.

12. What is lambda expression in Python?

Lambda is an anonymous function that helps us to create functions in single line of code. This is an important thing in functional programming. The lambda function should contains only one expressions in it.

13. How to make a list from comma separated inputs?

To make a list from a comma separated values or string we can use split method. Split method splits the comma separated values by taking comma as dilimeter.

14. What is the difference between normal division and floor division?

The arithmetic operators contains two different types of division operators. One is normal division \ another one is \\ . The normal division returns the float value as result. The floor division returns the whole number as result.

15. What is the difference between 'is' and '==' in Python?

We use is and == to comparing to objects. But both works in different manner. The == compares the values of two objects whereas the is keyword checks whether two objects are same or not.
Using == in Python

16. What are the difference between List and Tuple in Python?

List is enclosed by brackets whereas the tuples are created using parenthesis.
The effectiveness of tuple is higher than the list. So it works faster.
The list is mutable object whereas the tuples are immutable objects.

17. What is negative rounding in Python?

We know that the round keyword in python is used to to rounding of decimal places. It can be used to round off whole numbers sing negative rounding. Let the value of the variable X be 1345. To make is 1300 we have use negative rounding.

18. How do you prevent the following code from exception?

The scope of the variable a is inside the function. To access the variable across the program we have declare it as global variable.

19. What is the unique way to swap two variables in Python?

Python has unique way to swap two variables. The swapping can be done in one line of code. Let the values of the variables a and b be 5 and 6 respectively. The swapping program will be the following.

20. What are Iterators in Python?

The objects in python that implements the iterator protocols are called iterators. iter is the keyword used to create the iterable objects. It iterates throough various iterable objects such as List, dictionary.

21. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in Python?

In python, when we assign a value of a variable to another variable using assignment operator we are just creating a new variable associated with the old object. The copy module in python contains two different type of copying method called copy and deepcopy.
Shallow Copy
The shallow copy works same as the assignment operator. It just create a new variable that is associated with the old object.

Deep Copy
The deep copy method creates independent copy of an object. If we edit the element in a copied object, that does not affect the other object.

22. How to generate random numbers in Python?

There is no in-bulit function in python to generate random numbers We can use random module for this purpose. We can create random number from a range or list. randint is the simple method used to create a random number between two numbers.

23. How to disable the escape sequences in a string?

The escape sequences in a string can be disabled using regular expression in Python. The raw output of string can be printed using formatting. The following code will show you the process of printing raw string.

24. What is negative indexing?

Python allows us to access the string and list objects using negative indexes. The negative index of 0th index is -len(iterable). If a string contains five characters then the first character can be accessed with the help of 0 and -5. The last character of the string points to -1.

26. How to create multi line string in Python?

We can use the escape character \n to split the strings in the output console. But, to write a string in multiple lines inside the code we need to use triple quotes.

27. How to create private data in Python?

Not like other object oriented programming languages such as java an C++ , Python does not have any keywords to define public and protected data. Normally, the objects created in python can be accessed by public members.
Protected members can be accessed only by the class and its sub classes. The following code examples shows that how the private and public members works in python.

28. What is pickling and unpickling?

Pickle is a module in Python that converts a python object and converts the object into string representation and the string is further converted into a file using dump method.
Unpickling is the exact opposite to the process of pickling. The file created is converted into the old version of python object. The following code contains both pickling and unpickling methods.

29. What is frozenset in Python?

The immutable and hashable version of a normal set is called frozenset. It possess all the properties of normal sets in python. The updating the set is not possible in frozenset.

30. What are the functional programming concepts available in Python?

Splitting a program into multiple parts is called functional programming. It is one of the widely used programming paradigm. The functional programming concepts that are available as in built features in Python are zip , map , filter and reduce .


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