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Most important session parameters

Started by Sudhakar, Jun 02, 2009, 10:24 PM

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session.auto_start : specifies whether the session module starts a session automatically on request startup. Defaults to 0 (disabled). : specifies the name of the session which is used as cookie name. It should only contain alphanumeric characters. Defaults to PHPSESSID.

session.save_handler : defines the name of the handler which is used for storing and retrieving data associated with a session. Defaults to files.

session.save_path : defines the argument which is passed to the save handler. If you choose the default files handler, this is the path where the files are created. Defaults to /tmp.

session.use_cookies : specifies whether the module will use cookies to store the session id on the client side. Defaults to 1 (enabled).

session.use_only_cookies : specifies whether the module will only use cookies to store the session id on the client side. Enabling this setting prevents attacks involved passing session ids in URLs.

session.cookie_lifetime : specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser. The value 0 means "until the browser is closed." Defaults to 0.

session.cookie_path : specifies path to set in session_cookie. Defaults to /.

session.use_trans_sid : whether transparent sid support is enabled or not. Defaults to 0 (disabled).