Hi friends,
Can anyone help me find this document
EMC-EMI Optimized High Speed CAN Line Driver
Gomes, A. Pereira, E.S. Nascimento, I.
Freescale Semicond., Jaguariuna;
This paper appears in: Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 18th Symposium on
Publication Date: 4-7 Sept. 2005
On page(s): 9-14
Location: Florianopolis,
ISBN: 1-59593-174-0
INSPEC Accession Number: 8690071
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SBCCI.2005.4286824
Current Version Published: 2007-08-13
This paper presents the design techniques employed to minimize the irradiated noise emissions of a high speed controller area network (HSCAN) line driver targeted for automotive and industrial applications. Tradeoffs between this and other architectural approaches are presented, focusing on improved emissions without reducing robustness to EMI aggressions. This approach resulted in a complete CAN interface that does not require discrete filters or RF-chokes, lowering implementation costs while improving performance. The interface was successfully implemented in a 0.8mum BCD technology and experimental results are discussed. Finally, possible developments over the derived techniques are presented
Can anyone help me find this document
EMC-EMI Optimized High Speed CAN Line Driver
Gomes, A. Pereira, E.S. Nascimento, I.
Freescale Semicond., Jaguariuna;
This paper appears in: Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 18th Symposium on
Publication Date: 4-7 Sept. 2005
On page(s): 9-14
Location: Florianopolis,
ISBN: 1-59593-174-0
INSPEC Accession Number: 8690071
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SBCCI.2005.4286824
Current Version Published: 2007-08-13
This paper presents the design techniques employed to minimize the irradiated noise emissions of a high speed controller area network (HSCAN) line driver targeted for automotive and industrial applications. Tradeoffs between this and other architectural approaches are presented, focusing on improved emissions without reducing robustness to EMI aggressions. This approach resulted in a complete CAN interface that does not require discrete filters or RF-chokes, lowering implementation costs while improving performance. The interface was successfully implemented in a 0.8mum BCD technology and experimental results are discussed. Finally, possible developments over the derived techniques are presented