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Topics - Sudhakar

visionOS 1.1 Beta 4 Release Notes
28th February 2024

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Apps built for visionOS changing scene types or upgrading from a compatible app will crash on launch if previously launched on a device. (121478050)

3rd Party Apps
Known Issues

Some third-party apps might crash on launch or during use when Accessibility options are enabled. (122506670) (FB13595783)

Workaround: Disable any Accessibility options before launching impacted apps.

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The AccessibilityShortcut preference is reset if VoiceOver is toggled via triple-click of the crown immediately after completing setup. (121466353)

App Placement
New Features

Near-user boundary for volumetric scenes have been modified. Users will now be able to reposition volumetric scenes much closer than before, which will enable easier direct interaction with the volumetric scene content. (120926205)

App Store Submission
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Apps built for visionOS are unable to use the front-facing-camera UI Required Device Capability. (121465787)

Control Center
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Opening Control Center during tracking fail or while transitioning into Travel Mode will lead to the Control Center indicator disappearing. (119676121)

Known Issues

The Control Center indicator might be missing. (121071017)

Workaround: Reboot your Apple Vision Pro.

Immersive Space
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Immersive apps might not resume automatically if Apple Vision Pro is taken off and put back in a different location. (122561314)

Lock Screen
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Passcodes containing a character which uses a diacritic can't be used to unlock Apple Vision Pro. (122551154)

Mac Virtual Display / AirPlay Wireless
Known Issues

Mac Virtual Display and AirPlay are known to conflict when used concurrently. Concurrent usage might result in performance degradation including connection failure. (110475215)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Markup is not available for use in the visionOS Simulator. (122125666)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Passcode UI not obscured in screen recording and sharing. (121482327)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Persona Enrollment
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Eye tracking may not be accurate after Persona capture until the next time you put on Apple Vision Pro. (121630768)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: In multi-scene apps, custom Systems created for each scene are now released when the scene is dismissed. (116190653)

Fixed: RealityKit reports incorrect visualBounds for Attachments, which may impact entity placement. Larger attachments may be clipped due to the incorrect visualBounds values. (121887607)

Fixed: A scene associated with the RealityRenderer might be incorrectly registered to a non-RealityRenderer system resulting in a crash. (122392672)

Known Issues

A scene associated with the RealityRenderer using a custom system is not updated every frame. (110476883)

Workaround: Update your components by subscribing to SceneEvents.Update rather than using a System.

Assigning a new VideoPlayerComponent to an Entity that already has one will result in a black video screen. (117087641)

Workaround: Reuse the existing VideoPlayerComponent or remove the existing one first before assigning the new one.

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Users might not be able to shut down Apple Vision Pro from Settings. (120555236)

ShaderGraph Materials
Known Issues

ShaderGraph material node compositions might result in invalid visual output. (122723231)

Workaround: Avoid using a common asset node for both a surface shader and a geometry modifier within a single material or duplicate the asset node if needed.

Known Issues

Simulator might quit unexpectedly when using Apple Studio Display or other 4-channel systems for audio output. (122506938)

Workaround: Before launching Simulator, switch the audio output of your Mac to a different device such as headphones.

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Siri may be unusable. (122361345)

Fixed: Unable to invoke Siri in simulator. (122514562)

New Features

New pricing properties price, currency, and currencyCode are now available on Transaction . If an offer was applied to the transaction, a new property offer is available to see information about it (id, type, payment mode), as well as convenience properties offerID, offerType, and offerPaymentMode. (106650768)

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Fixed an issue causing the refund request "Done" button to not dismiss the sheet when using StoreKit Testing in Xcode. (117482750)

Fixed: Apps which configure a SubscriptionStoreView to show terms of service & privacy policy links with automatic or URL destinations will now open the URLs in the default browser. (120985657) (FB13540404)

New Features

Immersive Space displacement value added to the Environment, indicating when the system has moved an Immersive Space from its default position for an active SharePlay session. (117694400)

Introduced named SwiftUI coordinate space for Immersive Space. Allows cross-window coordinate conversions to an open immersive space. (118422388)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Volumes using the defaultSize(_: Rect3D, in: UnitLength) modifier to specify size, will now be the specified physical size at all display zooms. (116579319) (FB13240946)

Fixed: If the display zoom is changed in settings while a volume with a physical size is open, the content might be clipped. (120554484)

UI Frameworks
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Navigation bar display title modes are now respected and result in a smaller or larger navigation bar title. (114283700)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: UIApplication. setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) is not supported in native visionOS apps. This does not affect compatible apps running on visionOS. (120929653) (FB13535833)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: UILabel.preferredVibrancy only supported semantic label colors, but now it supports all colors.

 let label = UILabel()
 label.preferredVibrancy = .automatic // default value
 label.textColor = .red // label will be rendered as vibrant red.
tvOS 17.4 Beta 5 Release Notes
28th February 2024

New Features

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolved an issue with programmatically present an alert or sheet simultaneously with dismissing another sheet. The new alert or sheet would not show but now it will. If you have code that presents the same sheet programmatically from multiple places in your view hierarchy at the same time, that sheet might no longer appear. Make sure that any sheet modifiers that are in the view hierarchy at the same time use distinct isPresented or item bindings. (117475214)
iOS & iPadOS 17.4 RC Release Notes
28th February 2024

Known Issues

Default browser choice screen might not show up when intended and apps requiring certain managed entitlements might not install or show an error. (121566625)

Workaround: Open Settings and navigate to Privacy & Security > Location Services. Toggle location services off for 10 seconds, and then turn it back on.

App Store
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Certain App Store product sheets will show a "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" error. (121523272)

Apple Maps and CarPlay in vehicle instrument clusters
New Features

In iOS 17.4, with supported CarPlay vehicles, Apple Maps will present a new instrument cluster experience with information about upcoming maneuvers. Users will be able to swap the desired display type between the main and instrument cluster screen by tapping the map configuration button on the upper right of the Maps main screen. (122833170)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The symbol createVisibilityPropagationInteraction is missing in the SDK. (119845855)

Gestures & Reactions
New Features

Developers can control the default behavior of Reactions with the key NSCameraReactionEffectGesturesEnabledDefault. This is controlled per application and user choice will override application declared defaults (113811074)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Viewing HomeKit camera live video might not work when away from home. (121166796)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: MapKit SwiftUI apps might show incorrect map mode for walking and cycling routes. (121085728)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Stickers (Memoji and 3rd party) might appear blank. (120994483)

Object Capture
New Features

A new manual bounding box flow is now initiated if automatic object detection fails to find an object, particularly in cases where there is no salient ground plane. In this flow, the user is expected to utilize the standard manual bounding box controls to indicate the bounding box of the object to capture by adjusting the provided starting box placed in the world in front of the user. You can determine if this mode has been activated by observing for the new element .objectNotDetected, which will be added to the ObjectCaptureSession's Feedback set when the manual flow has been activated. You can use this to provide notification and/or instructions to the user about this manual box flow as desired. (113474123)

Resolved Issues

Fixed an issue where an ObjectCaptureView was incorrectly rotating the point cloud view in landscape UI orientations. (114248688) (FB13030239)

Fixed: PhotogrammetrySession creation on iOS is now significantly faster. (114458164)

Fixed a memory leak when ObjectCaptureSession was used in a SwiftUI Environment or was torn down without waiting for cleanup to finish. (114481678) (FB13057864)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Tapping on a podcast show from Recently Searched occasionally returns you to the Recently Searched view instead of the podcast show product page. (120915925)

Setup Assistant
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Pairing might fail when using Quick Start to set up a new device. (120982013)

Shared iPad
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Users might be greeted with a "Loading" screen in the Files app immediately after log in on a Shared iPad. (122092017)

New Features

Siri can respond in a combination of English and Hindi, depending on the primary language you use to interact with Siri. In the Settings app, go to Siri & Search > Language > English (India) and choose English & Hindi as the Preferred Response Language. Then ask Siri something in Hindi. (114742290)

New Features

In StoreKit testing in Xcode, a billing error StoreKit message will be sent when a subscription tries to renew while the Enable Billing Retry on Renewal setting is enabled in the StoreKit configuration file. Use the messages listener API to control when StoreKit messages are displayed in your app. (101869442)

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Fixed an issue causing SKAdNetwork versions 2.2 and 3.0 to not accept impressions or send postbacks. (121223565)

Fixed an issue causing some approved Ask to Buy purchases to fail. (121249405)

New Features

Table now supports dynamic numbers of columns with the new TableColumnForEach. (79492167) (FB9189673)

Popover presentations now automatically dismiss if they go outside the safe area. (100811375)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolved an issue with programmatically present an alert or sheet simultaneously with dismissing another sheet. The new alert or sheet would not show but now it will. If you have code that presents the same sheet programmatically from multiple places in your view hierarchy at the same time, that sheet might no longer appear. Make sure that any sheet modifiers that are in the view hierarchy at the same time use distinct isPresented or item bindings. (117475214)

Resolved Issues

Fixed HTML content not displaying in a Simulator, affecting projects using the web extension project template. (121338366)
macOS Sonoma 14.4 Beta 5 Release Notes
28th February 2024

Resolved Issues

Fixed an issue where center or right aligned NSTextField appears blurry. (120819010)

Fixed: Resolves an issue where pointer style does not update when browsing in Safari. (121131986)

Core ML
New Features

ML Program models that are loaded with MLComputeUnits.cpuOnly will use a new high performance CPU backend that takes advantage of Accelerate framework's BNNS library. (114037934)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: When using the transfer learning algorithm option, the CreateML app and framework object detection template might fail to converge and cause poor model quality and produce more than expected false positives. (114480994)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolves an issue where tiling a window causes the desktop picture to turn black. (118044617)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Stickers (Memoji and 3rd party) might appear blank. (120994483)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Software Updates
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Updates to macOS 14.4 starting from macOS 11.0–12.3.1 will not work. (120548971)

New Features

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

New Features

Table now supports dynamic numbers of columns with the new TableColumnForEach. (79492167) (FB9189673)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: DatePicker in macOS reset focus to the first date component when its bound date changes and timeZone is overriden in the environment. (97376561)

New Features

New os_sync_wait_on_address APIs have been added. They are expected to be used for implementing synchronization primitives that do not have a sense of ownership. Please file feedback if you need Synchronization functionality not covered by existing API. (94759935) (FB10141068)
visionOS 1.1 Beta 3 Release Notes
21 February 2024

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Apps built for visionOS changing scene types or upgrading from a compatible app will crash on launch if previously launched on a device. (121478050)

3rd Party Apps
Known Issues

Some third-party apps, including Microsoft Teams, might crash on launch or during use when Accessibility options are enabled. (122506670) (FB13595783)

Workaround: Disable any Accessibility options before launching impacted apps.

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The AccessibilityShortcut preference is reset if VoiceOver is toggled via triple-click of the crown immediately after completing setup. (121466353)

App Placement
New Features

Near-user boundary for volumetric scenes have been modified. Users will now be able to reposition volumetric scenes much closer than before, which will enable easier direct interaction with the volumetric scene content. (120926205)

App Store Submission
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Apps built for visionOS are unable to use the front-facing-camera UI Required Device Capability. (121465787)

Control Center
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Opening Control Center during tracking fail or while transitioning into Travel Mode will lead to the Control Center indicator disappearing. (119676121)

Known Issues

The Control Center indicator might be missing. (121071017)

Workaround: Reboot your Apple Vision Pro.

Immersive Space
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Immersive apps might not resume automatically if Apple Vision Pro is taken off and put back in a different location. (122561314)

Lock Screen
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Passcodes containing a character which uses a diacritic can't be used to unlock Apple Vision Pro. (122551154)

Mac Virtual Display / AirPlay Wireless
Known Issues

Mac Virtual Display and AirPlay are known to conflict when used concurrently. Concurrent usage might result in performance degradation including connection failure. (110475215)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Markup is not available for use in the visionOS Simulator. (122125666)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Passcode UI not obscured in screen recording and sharing. (121482327)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Persona Enrollment
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Eye tracking may not be accurate after Persona capture until the next time you put on Apple Vision Pro. (121630768)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: In multi-scene apps, custom Systems created for each scene are now released when the scene is dismissed. (116190653)

Fixed: RealityKit reports incorrect visualBounds for Attachments, which may impact entity placement. Larger attachments may be clipped due to the incorrect visualBounds values. (121887607)

Known Issues

Assigning a new VideoPlayerComponent to an Entity that already has one will result in a black video screen. (117087641)

Workaround: Reuse the existing VideoPlayerComponent or remove the existing one first before assigning the new one.

A scene associated with the RealityRenderer might be incorrectly registered to a non-RealityRenderer system resulting in a crash. (122392672)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Users might not be able to shut down Apple Vision Pro from Settings. (120555236)

ShaderGraph Materials
Known Issues

ShaderGraph material node compositions might result in invalid visual output. (122723231)

Workaround: Avoid using a common asset node for both a surface shader and a geometry modifier within a single material or duplicate the asset node if needed.

Known Issues

Simulator might quit unexpectedly when using Apple Studio Display or other 4-channel systems for audio output. (122506938)

Workaround: Before launching Simulator, switch the audio output of your Mac to a different device such as headphones.

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Siri may be unusable. (122361345)

Fixed: Unable to invoke Siri in simulator. (122514562)

New Features

New pricing properties price, currency, and currencyCode are now available on Transaction . If an offer was applied to the transaction, a new property offer is available to see information about it (id, type, payment mode), as well as convenience properties offerID, offerType, and offerPaymentMode. (106650768)

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Fixed an issue causing the refund request "Done" button to not dismiss the sheet when using StoreKit Testing in Xcode. (117482750)

Fixed: Apps which configure a SubscriptionStoreView to show terms of service & privacy policy links with automatic or URL destinations will now open the URLs in the default browser. (120985657) (FB13540404)

New Features

Immersive Space displacement value added to the Environment, indicating when the system has moved an Immersive Space from its default position for an active SharePlay session. (117694400)

Introduced named SwiftUI coordinate space for Immersive Space. Allows cross-window coordinate conversions to an open immersive space. (118422388)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Volumes using the defaultSize(_: Rect3D, in: UnitLength) modifier to specify size, will now be the specified physical size at all display zooms. (116579319) (FB13240946)

Fixed: If the display zoom is changed in settings while a volume with a physical size is open, the content might be clipped. (120554484)

UI Frameworks
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Navigation bar display title modes are now respected and result in a smaller or larger navigation bar title. (114283700)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: UIApplication. setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) is not supported in native visionOS apps. This does not affect compatible apps running on visionOS. (120929653) (FB13535833)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: UILabel.preferredVibrancy only supported semantic label colors, but now it supports all colors.

 let label = UILabel()
 label.preferredVibrancy = .automatic // default value
 label.textColor = .red // label will be rendered as vibrant red.
watchOS 10.4 Beta 4 Release Notes
21 February 2024

Movement Disorder API
Resolved Issues

Fixed: The MovementDisorder API will return a new error code if tremor and dyskinesia data was not saved to the user's device between queries. This is to help identify data loss when tracking the availability of metrics. (41729033)

New Features

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)
tvOS 17.4 Beta 4 Release Notes
21 February 2024

New Features

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolved an issue with programmatically present an alert or sheet simultaneously with dismissing another sheet. The new alert or sheet would not show but now it will. If you have code that presents the same sheet programmatically from multiple places in your view hierarchy at the same time, that sheet might no longer appear. Make sure that any sheet modifiers that are in the view hierarchy at the same time use distinct isPresented or item bindings. (117475214)
iOS & iPadOS 17.4 Beta 4 Release Notes
21 February 2024

Known Issues

Default browser choice screen might not show up when intended and apps requiring certain managed entitlements might not install or show an error. (121566625)

Workaround: Open Settings and navigate to Privacy & Security > Location Services. Toggle location services off for 10 seconds, and then turn it back on.

App Store
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Certain App Store product sheets will show a "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" error. (121523272)

Apple Maps and CarPlay in vehicle instrument clusters
New Features

In iOS 17.4, with supported CarPlay vehicles, Apple Maps will present a new instrument cluster experience with information about upcoming maneuvers. Users will be able to swap the desired display type between the main and instrument cluster screen by tapping the map configuration button on the upper right of the Maps main screen. (122833170)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The symbol createVisibilityPropagationInteraction is missing in the SDK. (119845855)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Viewing HomeKit camera live video might not work when away from home. (121166796)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: MapKit SwiftUI apps might show incorrect map mode for walking and cycling routes. (121085728)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Stickers (Memoji and 3rd party) might appear blank. (120994483)

Object Capture
New Features

A new manual bounding box flow is now initiated if automatic object detection fails to find an object, particularly in cases where there is no salient ground plane. In this flow, the user is expected to utilize the standard manual bounding box controls to indicate the bounding box of the object to capture by adjusting the provided starting box placed in the world in front of the user. You can determine if this mode has been activated by observing for the new element .objectNotDetected, which will be added to the ObjectCaptureSession's Feedback set when the manual flow has been activated. You can use this to provide notification and/or instructions to the user about this manual box flow as desired. (113474123)

Resolved Issues

Fixed an issue where an ObjectCaptureView was incorrectly rotating the point cloud view in landscape UI orientations. (114248688) (FB13030239)

Fixed: PhotogrammetrySession creation on iOS is now significantly faster. (114458164)

Fixed a memory leak when ObjectCaptureSession was used in a SwiftUI Environment or was torn down without waiting for cleanup to finish. (114481678) (FB13057864)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Tapping on a podcast show from Recently Searched occasionally returns you to the Recently Searched view instead of the podcast show product page. (120915925)

Setup Assistant
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Pairing might fail when using Quick Start to set up a new device. (120982013)

Shared iPad
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Users might be greeted with a "Loading" screen in the Files app immediately after log in on a Shared iPad. (122092017)

New Features

In StoreKit testing in Xcode, a billing error StoreKit message will be sent when a subscription tries to renew while the Enable Billing Retry on Renewal setting is enabled in the StoreKit configuration file. Use the messages listener API to control when StoreKit messages are displayed in your app. (101869442)

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

Fixed an issue causing SKAdNetwork versions 2.2 and 3.0 to not accept impressions or send postbacks. (121223565)

Fixed an issue causing some approved Ask to Buy purchases to fail. (121249405)

New Features

Table now supports dynamic numbers of columns with the new TableColumnForEach. (79492167) (FB9189673)

Popover presentations now automatically dismiss if they go outside the safe area. (100811375)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolved an issue with programmatically present an alert or sheet simultaneously with dismissing another sheet. The new alert or sheet would not show but now it will. If you have code that presents the same sheet programmatically from multiple places in your view hierarchy at the same time, that sheet might no longer appear. Make sure that any sheet modifiers that are in the view hierarchy at the same time use distinct isPresented or item bindings. (117475214)

Resolved Issues

Fixed HTML content not displaying in a Simulator, affecting projects using the web extension project template. (121338366)
macOS Sonoma 14.4 Beta 4 Release Notes
21 February 2024

Resolved Issues

Fixed an issue where center or right aligned NSTextField appears blurry. (120819010)

Fixed: Resolves an issue where pointer style does not update when browsing in Safari. (121131986)

Core ML
New Features

ML Program models that are loaded with MLComputeUnits.cpuOnly will use a new high performance CPU backend that takes advantage of Accelerate framework's BNNS library. (114037934)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: When using the transfer learning algorithm option, the CreateML app and framework object detection template might fail to converge and cause poor model quality and produce more than expected false positives. (114480994)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Resolves an issue where tiling a window causes the desktop picture to turn black. (118044617)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Stickers (Memoji and 3rd party) might appear blank. (120994483)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Registering passkeys might not work on certain websites. (122217903)

Software Updates
Resolved Issues

Fixed: Updates to macOS 14.4 starting from macOS 11.0–12.3.1 will not work. (120548971)

New Features

productDescriptionHidden(_:) API can be used to configure the visibility of product descriptions in ProductView, StoreView and SubscriptionStoreView instances within a view hierarchy. When building with Xcode 15.3, the view modifier can be used even if your app is running on iOS 17.0, iPadOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, visionOS 1.0, or later.

When implementing a product view style, it can support this new view modifier by checking the descriptionVisibility property on the configuration value. (110414819) (FB12261973)

You can use SubscriptionStoreView to present promotional offers by adding the subscriptionPromotionalOffer(offer:signature:) modifier.

If you're already using inAppPurchaseOptions(_:) modifier to support promotional offers for StoreKit views, you should adopt the new API instead when your app is running on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, tvOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, visionOS 1.1 or later. Do not use both APIs to apply a promotional offer for the same view. (115358806)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: The isEligibleForIntroOffer property and isEligibleForIntroOffer(for:) method now reflect ineligibility in cases where a customer would otherwise be eligible for the offer if they weren't actively subscribed. This means a customer which is not currently eligible for an introductory offer may become eligible in the future.

Customers who redeem an introductory offer for a given subscription group will continue to never be eligible for another introductory offer in that subscription group. You can detect this case this by checking if any one transaction with a matching subscriptionGroupID has the type property on offer set to introductory . (103604770) (FB11889732)

New Features

Table now supports dynamic numbers of columns with the new TableColumnForEach. (79492167) (FB9189673)

Resolved Issues

Fixed: DatePicker in macOS reset focus to the first date component when its bound date changes and timeZone is overriden in the environment. (97376561)
13+ White-Label OTT Platforms In 2024
VPlayed – All-in-One White label OTT Platform
Dacast – Professional Whitelabel VOD hosting platform
Vidyard -Powerful Whitelabel TV Streaming Service
Wowza – Best Whitelabel Business Streaming Opportunities
Brightcove – Full-scale Whitelabel Video Monetization Solution
Kaltura – Whitelabel video content management platform
JW Player – Whitelabel End-to-End Video Solution
Vimeo – Top White label Video Marketing Software Tools
IBM Video Streaming – Whitelabel Online Video Platform
Muvi – Whitelabel Live Video Streaming Service
Oxagile – Enterprise-grade video streaming solutions
Vidizmo – Branded video streaming across the globe
Brid TV – Video platform for online streaming business
Source :
ICICI Bank - Financial services company

ICICI Bank Limited is an Indian multinational bank and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai with registered office in Vadodara. Wikipedia
Stock price: ICICIBANK (NSE) ₹901.00 -15.10 (-1.65%)
26 Oct, 1:40 pm IST - Disclaimer
Customer service: 1800 1080
Headquarters: Mumbai
CEO: Sandeep Bakhshi (15 Oct 2018–)
Founded: 1994, Vadodara
Founder: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
Capital ratio: Tier 1 16.97% (2022)
Formerly: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (as a Government Organization)

Website :
State Bank of India - Financial services company

State Bank of India is an Indian multinational public sector bank and financial services statutory body headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Wikipedia
Customer service: 1800 1234
Stock price: SBIN (NSE) ₹547.30 -8.90 (-1.60%)
26 Oct, 1:41 pm IST - Disclaimer
Chairperson: Dinesh Kumar Khara
Branches: State Bank of India Bastar, Chhattisgarh Branch, MORE
Managing directors: Challa Setty (International Banking, Global Markets & Technology), MORE
Founded: 1 July 1955
Headquarters: Mumbai
Capital ratio: Tier 1 11.03% (2022)

Website :
Citibank - Banking company

Citibank, N. A. is the primary U.S. banking subsidiary of financial services multinational Citigroup. Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, and later became First National City Bank of New York. Wikipedia
Customer service: 1860 210 2484
Parent organizations: Citigroup, Citicorp LLC
Founder: Samuel Osgood
Founded: 16 June 1812, New York, New York, United States
Headquarters: New York, New York, United States

Website :
HSBC - Financial services company

HSBC Holdings plc is a British universal bank and financial services group headquartered in London, England, with historical and business links to East Asia and a multinational footprint. It is the largest Europe-based bank by total assets, ahead of BNP Paribas, with US$2.953 trillion as of December 2021. Wikipedia
Stock price: HSBA (LON) 603.90 GBX -11.20 (-1.82%)
26 Oct, 8:49 am GMT+1 - Disclaimer
Customer service: 1860 266 2667
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
Founder: Thomas Sutherland
Founded: 3 March 1865, Hong Kong
Number of employees: 219,199 (2022)

Website :
United Overseas Bank - Commercial banking company

United Overseas Bank Limited, often known as UOB, is a Singaporean multinational banking corporation headquartered in Raffles Place, Singapore, with branches mostly found in most Southeast Asia and East Asia countries. It is one of the three "big local banks" in the country, the other two being DBS Bank and OCBC Bank. Wikipedia
Customer service: 022 4247 2828
Stock price: U11 (SGX) SGD 27.17 -0.55 (-1.98%)
26 Oct, 3:21 pm GMT+8 - Disclaimer
Headquarters: Singapore
Founder: Wee Kheng Chiang
Founded: 6 August 1935
Number of employees: 24,853 (2016)
Rating: S&P: AA-

website :
HDFC Bank - Financial services company

HDFC Bank Limited is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai. It is India's largest private sector bank by assets and world's fourth largest bank by market capitalisation as of July 2023, following its takeover of parent company HDFC. Wikipedia
Stock price: HDFCBANK (NSE) ₹1,468.55 -27.95 (-1.87%)
26 Oct, 1:44 pm IST - Disclaimer
Customer service: 1800 202 6161
Founded: August 1994, Mumbai
Headquarters: Mumbai
Key people: Atanu Chakraborty; (Chairman); Sashidhar Jagdishan; (CEO)
Number of employees: 1,77,000 (1 July 2023)

Website :
Lloyds Banking Group - Financial services company

Lloyds Banking Group is a British financial institution formed through the acquisition of HBOS by Lloyds TSB in 2009. It is one of the UK's largest financial services organisations, with 30 million customers and 65,000 employees. Wikipedia
Stock price: LLOY (LON) 41.09 GBX -0.36 (-0.88%)
26 Oct, 9:05 am GMT+1 - Disclaimer
Headquarters: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Subsidiaries: Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, MORE
Total assets: 87,780 crores GBP (2022)
Parent organization: Lloyds Bank
Number of employees: 58,000 (2023)
Founded: 19 January 2009
Key people: Robin Budenberg (chairman), Charlie Nunn (chief executive)

Website :
Standard Chartered - Consumer banking corporation

Standard Chartered plc is a British multinational bank with operations in consumer, corporate and institutional banking, and treasury services. Despite being headquartered in the United Kingdom, it does not conduct retail banking in the UK, and around 90% of its profits come from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Wikipedia
CEO: Bill Winters (10 Jun 2015–)
Parent organization: Standard Chartered Holdings Limited
Founders: Royal charter, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Standard Bank
Founded: 1969, London, United Kingdom
Headquarters: London, England, UK
Number of employees: 85,000 (2023)
Traded as: LSE: STAN; SEHK: 2888; FTSE 100 component (STAN)

website :
Barclays - Bank

Barclays plc is a British multinational universal bank, headquartered in London, England. Barclays operates as two divisions, Barclays UK and Barclays International, supported by a service company, Barclays Execution Services. Wikipedia
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
CEO: C. S. Venkatakrishnan (1 Nov 2021–)
Founders: John Freame, Thomas Gould
Founded: 17 November 1690, City of London, United Kingdom
Divisions: Barclays UK; Barclays International
Number of employees: 81,000 (2023)
Traded as: LSE: BARC; NYSE: BCS; FTSE 100 Component

website :
NatWest Markets - Capital market company

NatWest Markets is the investment banking arm of NatWest Group based in the United Kingdom. The company was created from the then RBS Group's corporate and institutional banking division in 2016, as ... Wikipedia
CEO: Robert Begbie (Jun 2020–)
Subsidiaries: RBS Holdings N.V., RBS Sempra Commodities LLP, MORE
Headquarters: London, England, UK
Parent organization: NatWest Group
Founded: 2016

website :
NatWest Group - Private banking company

NatWest Group plc is a British banking and insurance holding company, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The group operates a wide variety of banking brands offering personal and business banking, private banking, investment banking, insurance and corporate finance. Wikipedia
Stock price: NWG (LON) 236.70 GBX -0.50 (-0.21%)
28 Sept, 5:14 pm GMT+1 - Disclaimer
Headquarters: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Subsidiaries: Royal Bank of Scotland, NatWest, NatWest Markets, MORE
Total assets: 72,005.3 crores GBP (2022)
Owner: UK Government Investments
Number of employees: 57,900 (2022)
Revenue: 1,315.6 crores GBP (2022)
Founded: 25 March 1968
On the basis of industry expert discussion and trusted media sources, we are giving the top 10 lithium battery manufacturers in India.

1. Loom Solar – Energy Storage
2. Reliance – EV
3. Mahindra – EV
4. Hyundai – EV
5. Ola – EV
6. Amara Raja (Amaron) – EV
7. Exide – EV
8. Panasonic – Telecom
9. LG – Telecom
10. Samsung – Telecom

Loom Solar – Energy Storage

By the way, Loom Solar has also expanded its product portfolio to include lithium batteries. This makes it the first lithium battery manufacturer to offer the 6Ah to 100Ah range to the consumer segment through retail channels and online marketplaces. Customers can take advantage of the same platform for home applications in this B2C project. Through continuous research and innovation, Loom Solar has worked on product integration and custom designs for the developing lithium battery segment.

Reliance – EV

Reliance New Energy Solar has acquired Faradion, a UK start-up that develops sodium-ion batteries. Indian giant invests in Faradion to accelerate the commercialization of electric vehicle batteries. The company claims sodium-ion technology is safer and cheaper. If successful, Reliance will benefit from both renewable energy storage and vehicles. Reliance is also building a huge integrated manufacturing facility in India.

 Mahindra – EV

Mahindra, another major automaker, is aggressively moving into electric vehicles. The company, along with Hyundai and Reliance, recently bid for its $2.4 billion battery program in India. Mahindra also launched the country's first lithium-ion battery-powered auto-rickshaw/Mahindra Treo, an e-rickshaw and cargo version. The company has also launched a wide range of electric vehicles.

Hyundai – EV

Hyundai, one of India's leading automakers, has turned electric with the launch of its premium electric vehicle, the Kona. The company has partnered with quantum computer company IonQ for battery development. The partnership focuses on improving the durability, capacity, and safety of lithium batteries for use in electric vehicles.

Ola – EV

Ola is one of ten Indian companies that have applied for the PLI battery manufacturing program. Ola was one of the first taxi collection services to transition to an EV fleet. In 2017, SoftBank through its company Ola announced plans to drive 1 million electric vehicles in India and announced the formation of a newly formed company, Ola Electric Mobility Pvt Ltd, to rent electric vehicles such as cars, buses, and two-wheelers. Partner drivers. Ola Electric Mobility is working to build the world's largest e-scooter factory.

Amara Raja (Amaron) – EV

Amaron is the power brand of the Amara Raja Group. He is a technology leader and one of the largest manufacturers of industrial and automotive lead-acid batteries in the Indian battery industry. The major segment of batteries is moving from lead-acid batteries to lithium-ion batteries and e-mobility solutions. There are also plans to build a Gigafactory to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles.

Exide – EV

Exide Industries is India's leading battery company. Exide recently began producing lithium-ion cells and plans to join the PLI program of the National ACC Battery Program.

Panasonic – Telecom

Panasonic offers a wide range of lithium batteries used in small home appliances and emergency backup batteries. It has long-term reliability suitable for outdoor equipment and excellent characteristics over a wide temperature range. Panasonic batteries are thin and light for use in devices such as laptops and mobile phones.

LG – Telecom

The South Korean giant is the world's number one lithium-ion battery maker by capacity. The company is focused on manufacturing lithium batteries and has built large-scale production capacity around the world.

Samsung – Telecom

Batteries and power bank packs from Samsung SDI have the longest battery life cycles in the world. Maximizes user comfort and minimizes capacity loss. Quality and safety are the top priorities of Samsung SDI's manufacturing process.

The future needs a reliable battery and inverter to provide the required power. Therefore, choosing the right battery for your home is essential. At present, any consumer can buy lithium batteries online for energy storage with solar power. We have a wide range of lithium batteries for commercial, residential, and EV solutions. Lithium battery manufacturer Loom Solar offers a wide range of small to high capacity (75Wh to 5kWh) batteries for homes, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants and more.

Source information and more details could be found at :
BookWater is an IoT-powered and quality-based water delivery platform. Its patent-pending technology lets you scan the QR code on a water can and discover its quality.

BookWater was launched in 2021 but started operations in July 2022. The world of connected water cans
"We are solving this serious problem with BookWater. Sensors installed in the station won't allow any water to be filled into the cans if there is any kind of contamination," he says.

"Local water cans are priced at around Rs 45 while brands sell their cans at around Rs 80 or Rs 85. We have priced the same capacity water cans at Rs 55 – making it accessible to everyone. Now who doesn't want good quality water, that too when they completely know what is going into their glass?" Sameer asks.

The founder did not disclose financials but says the company has reached break-even by selling almost 1,000 cans a day. By December, Sameer says the company will grow and increase this number to around 3,000 cans a day.

Get more information at
Last week i have applied for TRAI ( DLD registration ) for tele marketing. Actually to send messages.
At the same time received a call from someone asking me whether trai signup is completed or not.

So i did a google search and found quite interesting

This is the google search result for the above query

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering › r-aqar › Criteria-20-21
10-Aug-2020 — 9444064786 IT. 450. 170801051. Krithika. G. Female. 9962779017 IT. 451. 170801052. LAKSHA.
21 pages

The hyperlink took me to this page of SVCE chennai college with this pdf file openly.
To my surprise 576 students numbers with their email id is openly available in this pdf file.

Whom to blame ? The website designing company or The admin, or the College Management, Or the HoD, or Google ?
UN DESA Policy Brief No. 153 confirms on 24th April 2023 That India is now Number one populated country in the World

More Details here on United Nation website -

Almost of 800 crore population on the world / in earth, India's population as number 1 with 142 crore 86 lakh + people living compare to next country which was in number 1 from beginning till April 2023 with 142 crore 50 lakh + people living and moved to position 2.
India's biggest day is today 23rd August 2023

Get ready to witness today at 06:04 pm

Chandrayaan 3 LIVE Telecast News Updates: Chandrayaan-3 is set to land on the moon today at around 6.04 pm.
cps thanesh bharathidasan world records of excellence to solve sudoku

Wishes from My Kids Diary to the little champion

Tesla India Motor & Energy Private Ltd has taken office space on lease for five years at Panchshil Business Park, Pune for 11.65 lakhs monthly rental

"We are just trying to figure out the right timing ... I am confident that Tesla will be in India and will do so as soon as humanly possible," reports quoted Musk as saying.

Tesla's India arm was registered in Bengaluru in early 2021. In 2019, Musk had started expressing interest in setting up operations in India but the progress has been slow.

There were reports of the company setting up its first office in India in Mumbai's Lower Parel area as well as opening a retail showroom in the city, but nothing has come of that so far.

Source :
Meet IITian whose advice ensured Rs 1700 crore salary for her IITian husband, full details

Anjali Pichai, the wife of Google CEO Sundar Puchai, is a well-known face. The duo met in college at IIT Kharagpur and later got married. Anjali is considered Sundar's lucky charm. There was a time when Sundar was thinking of leaving Google. He was reportedly offered the post of CEO by Microsoft. He was also contacted by Twitter and Yahoo for better offers.

However, Anjali reportedly advised him against it. He then decided to stay with Google. In 2015, he became the CEO of the tech giant. Years later, Alphabet Inc, Google's parent company, paid him a whopping USD 226 million (nearly Rs 1700 crore) in compensation, including USD 218 million in stock awards.

Who is Anjali Pichai?

Anjali works as the Business Operation Manager at Intuit, a software company in the US

more details :
'How bad is the job market?': Bengaluru CEO shocked to see 3,000 resumes in 48 hours

A Bengaluru-based CEO recently revealed that he received more than 3,000 resumes in 48 hours for "permanently remote" job postings on his company website.

Is it a paid promotion for a company or a real article. Check on their website -;
Mukesh Ambani's firm earns Rs 69,990 crore in just 5 days ahead of Rs 1,50,000 crore move

The market capitalization of Reliance Industries reached Rs 18,53,033.73 crore last week.

more details :

9,723,259 views  Streamed live 10 hours ago  #WWDC23 #AppleEvent #AppleVisionPro
 Watch the WWDC23 Apple Keynote announcing the latest Apple Vision Pro, MacBook Air 15", software, services, and operating systems.

03:09 Mac
16:49 iOS
34:34 iPadOS
43:14 macOS
57:02 Audio & Home
01:04:50 watchOS
01:20:48 Apple Vision Pro

For more on the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, click here:
Shape Of You Carnatic Lyrics |
Watch the special Apple Event.
March 8, 2022, at 10 a.m. PST.
Set a reminder and we'll send you an update before the show.

22 lakh apple lovers watched march 8th 2022 apple event on YouTube within 1 hour
How do I automatically delete emails from the server?

Home How do I automatically delete emails from the server?
Why would you delete emails from the server?

The main problem with leaving emails on the mail server is that your daily emails take up necessary storage space required by your website or databases.

To insure that your emails don't consume all of your server storage space, your best option is too have your email client delete the emails that you have already downloaded to your computer automatically.

By following the steps listed below there will be no need for you to clear up old emails from your server any longer.

Below is a list of the steps to follow for the three major versions of outlook.

Outlook Express
Outlook 2003
Outlook 2007
Outlook 2010
Apple Mail
Mozilla Firebird 4.0 and up
Outlook Express

Open Outlook Express.
From the Tools menu select Accounts, which will open the accounts window.
Select the Mail tab.
Click on your email account, then click the Properties button on the right.
Select the Advanced tab.
Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server.
Click OK
Outlook 2003

Open Outlook.
From the Tools menu select Email Accounts, which will open the accounts window.
Select change existing email accounts and click Next.
Click on your email account, then click the Properties button on the right.
Select the More Settings.
Click the Advanced tab.
Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server.
Click OK
Outlook 2007

Open Outlook.
From the Tools menu select Email Accounts, which will open the accounts window.
Select change existing email accounts and click Next.
Click on your email account, then click the Properties button on the right.
Select the More Settings.
Click the Advanced tab.
Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server.
Click OK
Outlook 2010/13

Open Outlook
Click on "File"
Click on "Account Settings"
Click on "Account Settings" that appear on the dropdown
Click on "More Settings"
A new window will pop up where you must click on the "Advanced" tab
Apple Mail

After opening the Apple Mail program, click on "Mail" from the menu at the top.
Click on "Preferences".
Click on "Accounts".
If you have more than one mail account, select the one you want to work with.
Click "Advanced".
Make sure the box next to "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" is checked.
You can also remove messages currently saved on the server by clicking the "Remove now" button.
Click "Save" after you closed the Preference pane.
Mozilla Thunderbird 4.0 and above

In Mozilla Thunderbird, choose "Tools" and then "Account Settings".
Click "Server Settings" listed below the account you want to edit.
Select the "Leave messages on server" option.
Select the "For at most" option.
Enter 7 (or lower) in the box.
Click OK.
During Covid online classes, class 11 student from Zion matriculation higher secondary school , renganathan had shown interested in hacking courses via online media like udemy etc. Now started bug findings on khan academy website, indeed website, United Nations website and been recognize do we months. Find more details covered by an YouTube channel.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
Answering the top 10 questions YouTubers get by Marques Brownlee

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

Mkbhd says, recent study he saw which says Top job in 2021 is not Astronaut, pro athlete, actor, policeman but it's YouTubers is first interested job everyone is interested, followed by teachers, pro athletes, astronaut, police man, actor etc

Same time YouTubers need to have good time, luck, hard work, skill, patience and consistency to win in video business earning in YouTube
Recent campus drive for iit final years , cheers student to achieve offer with Uber inc for 2 crore annual package

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

#Uber #FarmerSon #Work

அடிச்சான்பாரு அப்பாயின்ட்மென்ட் ஆர்டர்..! ஆண்டு சம்பளம் 2 கோடி.. சாதித்து காட்டிய ஏழை விவசாயி மகன்!

Source : polimer news channel tamil
Apple event 18th october 2021 introduced max book pro m1 pro and m1 max pro chip , AirPods upgrade, home pod mini upgrade

Dear Acumen's,

Infosys Offshore ( inside our India ) Jobs for Java Developers & Testers - dated 12 October 2021

Experience - 3+ to 15 years

Job Description 1)
JavaScript, angular js, cypress,, protractor. Browserstack experience.

Job Description  2)
Another JD - rest api automation, selenium with java. Need both only selenium or only rest api will not work

Please send your resumes to
Subject line - Applying to Infosys Offshore Jobs

Short listed cv will be forwarded to project managers only working for Infosys

Thanks & Regards,
Sudhakar Arjunan
So Facebook, Amazon web services, t-Mobil, Twitter, Bank of America, whatsapp, and more communications down? Is this when the aliens invade?

2021-10-04 16:53:51
Today apple event live on
1.20 crore views in last 5 hours in YouTube

Apple's today launch  14 September 2021

iPhone 13
iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 13 pro
iPhone 13 pro max
iPad 9
iPad mini
Apple Watch 7

Apple Event — September 14

Apple1,25,41,198 viewsStreamed live 5 hours ago
Watch the special Apple Event to learn about the new iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13, Apple Watch Series 7, iPad mini, iPad, and more.

To watch the event interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL), please click here:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:09 iPad 
00:11:45 iPad mini
00:21:19 Apple Watch
00:30:38 Apple Fitness+
00:37:41 iPhone 13
00:57:07 iPhone 13 Pro
Kids from India, made nasa to watch
One of a very sad story today one of my close friend father just died whom I saw and admired during my school days is no more with Us today in due of sick for the last few years. today is no more with us and I am very sorry that I am unable to go and meet him today and give him my respect percent off so what we have to learn out of this during Covid be safe with whatever you I have let us all make money and everything in the future days to come in now Love save all God bless bye
Acer Chromebase for Meetings First Look | Acer

5,036 views • Mar 18, 2020 • Discover the brand new Acer Chromebase for Meetings. After an easy to follow guided setup, you'll enjoy a future of stress-free online meetings.
Dear team,

Find a young boy, should be less than 6 years old I hope . Had spelled longest word in English with 45 characters

And also he said from million to billion to trillion. Tooooooooo googol ( 100 zeros )
Apple worldwide developer conference 2021 07th June 2021

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Google / Google I/O May 2021
May 25, 2021, 04:58 PM
Google I/O - May 2021 highlights in 9 minutes by google
Apple event live updates April 2021

IPhone 12 updates
Air tag to find your valuable items ( avoid theft ) for 29$
Apple TV 4K with new remote for 179$ / 32gb and 199$ / 64gb
iMac 24.5 inch with 4 different colors for 1299$
iMac 24.5 inch xdr display with 7 different colors for 1499$
iPad Pro 11 inch up to 2 tb storage with m1 chip for 799$
iPad Pro 12.9 inch up to 2 tb storage with m1 chip and xdr display for 1099$

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