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Messages - magesh.p


Today I Learnt About How to get the file names in the folder.

And Compare the filename list with text files ( The text files contains name of the files i needed )

What ever the files missed from my list to store that filename in database name.

Change Text & Color when Highlighted

My Code is Below :

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RichTextBox1.Font = FontDialog1.Font
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
RichTextBox1.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color
End Sub

When I Want to change font and color in richtextbox, All Text in Textbox is Changed.

I Want  that change color and font in text that we highlight.

Help Me,

Thanks in Advance..........

Use the keyword struct to illustrate a primitive form of class

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

struct math_operations {
double data_value;
void set_value(double ang) {
double get_square(void) {
     double answer;
     return (answer);
double get_square_root(void) {
     double answer;
     return (answer);
} math;

int main( )

cout << "The square of the number is: "
      << math.get_square( ) << endl;
cout << "The square root of the number is: "
      << math.get_square_root( ) << endl;
return (0);

Assign one structure to another structure

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

struct Box {
  double length;
  double width;
  double height;

int main() {
  Box firstBox = { 80.0, 50.0, 40.0 };

  cout << firstBox.length
       << firstBox.width
       << firstBox.height
       << endl;
  Box secondBox = firstBox;   

  secondBox.length *= 1.1;
  secondBox.width *= 1.1;
  secondBox.height *= 1.1;

  cout << secondBox.length
       << secondBox.width
       << secondBox.height
       << endl;
  return 0;



Using pointers to structure objects: delete the point

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

struct Box {
  double length;
  double width;
  double height;

  double volume();

double Box::volume() {
  return length * width * height;

int main() {
  Box aBox = { 1, 2, 3 };
  Box* pBox = &aBox;

  Box* pBox2 = new Box;
  pBox2->height = pBox->height+5.0;
  pBox2->length = pBox->length+3.0;
  pBox2->width = pBox->width+2.0;
  cout << "Volume of Box in the free store is " << pBox2->volume() << endl;

  delete pBox;
  delete pBox2;
  return 0;

QuoteVolume of Box in the free store is 128
structure composition

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <iostream>

struct Name {
  char firstname[80];
  char surname[80];
  void show();       

struct Date {
  int day;
  int month;
  int year;

  void show();       

struct Phone {
  int areacode;
  int number;

  void show();       

struct Person {
  Name name;
  Date birthdate;
  Phone number;

  void show();
  int age(Date& date);

void Name::show() {
    std::cout << firstname << " " << surname << std::endl;

void Date::show() {
    std::cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year << std::endl;

void Phone::show() {
    std::cout << areacode << " " << number << std::endl;

void Person::show() {
    std::cout << std::endl;;
    std::cout << "Brithday: ";;
    std::cout << "phone: ";;

int Person::age(Date& date) {
    if(date.year <= birthdate.year)
      return 0;

    int years = date.year - birthdate.year;
    if((date.month>birthdate.month) || (date.month == birthdate.month &&>=
       return years;
       return --years;

int main() {
  Person her = {{ "L", "G" },      // Initializes Name member
                {1, 4, 1976 },     // Initializes Date member
                {999,5551234}     // Initializes Phone member

  Person actress;
  actress = her;;
  Date today = { 4, 4, 2007 };

  cout << endl << "Today is ";;
  cout <<  endl;

  cout << "Today " << << " is "
       << actress.age(today) << " years old."
       << endl;
  return 0;

QuoteL G
Brithday: 4/1/1976
phone: 999 5551234

Today is 4/4/2007

Today L is 31 years old.

Define structure to record time

#include <iostream.h>

struct Time
               int hh,mm,ss;
int main()
   Time t1,t2,*p;
   t1.hh=10;;;  //10:30:0
   t2.hh++;                             //11:30:0
   p = &t2;

   cout << "The t2 time is " << p->hh  << ":" << << ":"<< << endl;

   return 0;


QuoteThe t2 time is 11:30:0
const structure parameter

#include <iostream.h>

struct Time
       int hh,mm,ss;

void Disp1(struct Time t);
void Disp2(const Time & t);

int main()
       Time t1,t2,*p;
       p = &t2;
    cout << "The t2 time is " << p->hh  << ":" << << ":"<< << endl;

       return 0;

void Disp1(struct Time t)
       cout << "The time is " << t.hh <<":" << << ":"<< << endl;

void Disp2(const Time & t)
       cout << "The time is " << t.hh <<":" << << ":"<< << endl;


QuoteThe t2 time is 11:30:0
The time is 11:30:0
The time is 11:30:0

Use cin to read data for a structure


int main()
       struct student
               int num;
           char name[20];
           float score;
       struct student stu[4];
       struct student *p;
       int i,temp;
       float max;
       cout<<"maxmum score:";


Quotemaxmum score:NO.:^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

Use memcpy to duplicate structures

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct mystruct
       int i;
       int x;
       int y;

int main()

  mystruct source,destination;

  source.i = 1;

  source.x = 2;

  source.y = 3;


  cout << destination.i << endl;

  cout << destination.x << endl;

  cout << destination.y << endl;

  return 0;



Structure array and structure pointer

struct st
       char name[20];
       long num;
       int age;
       char sex;
       float score;
int main()
       struct st student[3],*p;


       for(int i=0;p<student+3;p++,i++)
               cout<<"Enter all data of student :["<<i<<"]\n";
       cout<<"record num name age sex score"<<"\n";
       for(int i=0;p<student+3;p++,i++)


QuoteEnter all data of student :[0]
Enter all data of student :[1]
E^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

Array of structures

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define Length 5

struct Employee {
  char title [50];
  int year;
} employee [Length];

void printemployee (Employee employee);

int main ()
  char buffer [50];

  for (int n=0; n<Length; n++)
    cout << "Enter title: ";
    cin.getline (employee[n].title,50);
    cout << "Enter year: ";
    cin.getline (buffer,50);
    employee[n].year = atoi (buffer);
  cout << "\nYou have entered these employees:\n";
  for (int n=0; n<Length; n++)
    printemployee (employee[n]);
  return 0;

void printemployee (Employee employee)
  cout << employee.title;
  cout << " (" << employee.year << ")\n";


QuoteEnter title: Title
Enter year: 123
Enter title: Title 2
Enter year: as
Enter title: TitEnter year: ^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

structure variables as array elements

#include <iostream> 
  using namespace std; 
  const int SIZE = 4; 

  struct part{ 
     int modelnumber;             
     int partnumber;               
     float cost;                   
  int main(){ 
     int n; 
     part apart[SIZE];
     for(n=0; n<SIZE; n++){ 
        cout << endl; 
        cout << "Enter model number: "; 
        cin >> apart[n].modelnumber;
        cout << "Enter part number: "; 
        cin >> apart[n].partnumber;
        cout << "Enter cost: "; 
        cin >> apart[n].cost;       
     for(n=0; n<SIZE; n++) { 
        cout << "Model " << apart[n].modelnumber; 
        cout << "  Part "  << apart[n].partnumber; 
        cout << "  Cost "  << apart[n].cost << endl; 
     return 0; 

Pass structure to a function as a pointer

struct student
       char name[20];
       int num;
       float score[3];
void print(struct student *p)
       cout<<" ";
int main()
       struct student stu;
       strcpy(,"li li");

li li

Pass structure using a structure reference

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct ResultStructure
  float base;
  float height;
  float area;

void f(struct ResultStructure &area);

int main ()
       ResultStructure myResultStructure;

    myResultStructure.base = 12;
    myResultStructure.height = 23;

    cout << "The area is " << myResultStructure.area << " \n";
   return 0;

void f(ResultStructure &area)
   area.area = .5f * (area.base * area.height);

Pass structure to a function

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// define the structures
struct DataStructure
  float radius;
  double angle;

struct ResultStructure
  float area;
  double sine;
  double cosine;
  double tangent;

ResultStructure compute(struct DataStructure mystruct);

int main ()
    DataStructure input;
       ResultStructure output;

       input.radius = 3;

       input.angle = 0.8;

       output = compute(input);

    cout << " The area is "<< output.area << "\n";
       cout << " The sine of the angle is " << output.sine << "\n";
       cout << " The cosine of the angle is " << output.cosine << "\n";
    cout << " The tangent of the angle is " << output.tangent << "\n";
       return 0;

ResultStructure compute(struct DataStructure mystruct)
     ResultStructure answer;

        answer.area = pow(mystruct.radius,2);
        answer.sine = sin(mystruct.angle);
        answer.cosine = cos(mystruct.angle);
        answer.tangent = tan(mystruct.angle);

        return answer;

QuoteThe area is 9
The sine of the angle is 0.717356
The cosine of the angle is 0.696707
The tangent of the angle is 1.02964

Compare address

#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

struct MyStruct {
  int x;
  int y;

int main()
  MyStruct demo[10];
  std::cout << std::boolalpha;

  std::cout << (&demo[0]   < &demo[2])   << '\n';
  std::cout << (&demo[0]   == demo)      << '\n';
  std::cout << (&demo[10]  > &demo[9])   << '\n';
  std::cout << (&demo[0].x < &demo[0].y) << '\n';


Use -> for structure pointer

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct account
   int accountnum;
   float balance;
   float interestrate;

int main()
account myaccount;
account *ptraccount;

ptraccount->balance = 1000;
       return 0;

Pointers to structures

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Employee {
  char title [50];
  int year;

int main ()
  char buffer[50];

  Employee aEmployee;
  Employee * pEmployee;
  pEmployee = & aEmployee;

  cout << "Enter title: ";
  cin.getline (pEmployee->title,50);
  cout << "Enter year: ";
  cin.getline (buffer,50);
  pEmployee->year = atoi (buffer);

  cout << "\nYou have entered:\n";
  cout << pEmployee->title;
  cout << " (" << pEmployee->year << ")\n";

  return 0;

QuoteEnter title: Enter year:
You have entered:
(^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

Define pointer for structure

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct MyStructure
   int n;
   float f;
   float f2;

int main()
MyStructure myMyStructure;
MyStructure *ptrMyStructure;

//set the f of the structure
myMyStructure.f = 1000;

//intialize the pointer
ptrMyStructure = &myMyStructure;

//change the pointers f
ptrMyStructure->f = 2000;

//print out the structures f
cout << myMyStructure.f << "\n";

return 0;

Return structure from a function

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// define the structures
struct DataStructure
  float radius;
  double angle;

struct ResultStructure
  float area;
  double sine;
  double cosine;
  double tangent;

ResultStructure compute(struct DataStructure mystruct);

int main ()
    DataStructure input;
       ResultStructure output;

       input.radius = 3;

       input.angle = 0.8;

       output = compute(input);

    cout << " The area is "<< output.area << "\n";
       cout << " The sine of the angle is " << output.sine << "\n";
       cout << " The cosine of the angle is " << output.cosine << "\n";
    cout << " The tangent of the angle is " << output.tangent << "\n";
       return 0;

ResultStructure compute(struct DataStructure mystruct)
     ResultStructure answer;

        answer.area = pow(mystruct.radius,2);
        answer.sine = sin(mystruct.angle);
        answer.cosine = cos(mystruct.angle);
        answer.tangent = tan(mystruct.angle);

        return answer;


QuoteThe area is 9
The sine of the angle is 0.717356
The cosine of the angle is 0.696707
The tangent of the angle is 1.02964

writes a structure to disk and then reads it back in

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct status {
  char name[80];
  double balance;
  unsigned long account_num;
int main()
  struct status acc;
  strcpy(, "A");
  acc.balance = 1.23;
  acc.account_num = 34;
  ofstream outbal("balance", ios::out | ios::binary);
  if(!outbal) {
    cout << "Cannot open file.\n";
    return 1;
  outbal.write((char *) &acc, sizeof(struct status));
  // now, read back;
  ifstream inbal("balance", ios::in | ios::binary);
  if(!inbal) {
    cout << "Cannot open file.\n";
    return 1;
  } *) &acc, sizeof(struct status));
  cout << << endl;
  cout << "Account # " << acc.account_num;
  cout << endl << "Balance: $" << acc.balance;
  return 0;

Source : java2s
Variables, arrays and operators

In the sample program above, i have introduced another feature of C++ without explicitly mentioning it. Variables. Variables are used to store data in it and usually waste memory space.

In C++, all Variables must be assigned a valid data type. The data types of C++ are the same as in C. Consider the following samples:

Quote//elementary data types
bool x; //declaring a variable of type bool
char c; //declaring a variable of type char
int i;
short s;
double d;
float f;
long l;
//non-elementary data types
struct s;
class c;
enum e;
//STL special data types
Declaring vs Defining variables

In C++, there are 2 ways of introducing variables. The first way is called declaration of a variable. The second is called definition of a variable. The following code snippet shows the differences:

int i; //declaration of i as type int
int i = 5; //definition of variable i and assigning value 5 to it
string s;         //declaration of s as type string
s = "Hello World; //assigning "Hello World" to s
string s2 = "Hello Reader"; //definition of s as string with value "Hello Reader

Note that, when assigning values to variables, you need to make sure that the value is a valid value . This means that, when, for example, you define a variable of type int you have to make sure that the value you assign to it is an integer.

Quoteint i;
i = 5; //correct! 5 is integer

int j;
j = "Hello World" //wrong! j is not a string

double d;
d = 3.145; //correct! 3.145 is a double

int k;
k = 1.23456; //wrong! 1.23456 is not an int

If you assing wrong values to variables of another data type, the compiler will complain an error.

Defining a variable means to declare it and assign a value to it.

Declaring a variable means only to introduce it to the compiler.
Zenith launches new laptops

MUMBAI: Zenith Computers has announced the launch of a new range of laptops -- Admirale Plus, Presidio and Director Ultra Plus.

The new range sports reflective metal finish inspired by chrome and high-gloss surfaces. The fluid reflective screen ensures security and privacy of data with its anti-glare feature.

Announcing the launch, Raj Saraf, Chairman and Managing Director, Zenith Computers said, "The new range is especially designed to sustain the rough work environment in India."

Zenith Admirale Plus is an ideal option for business users. Based on the latest chipset from Intel, IntelGM45, it runs graphic presentations. The laptop comes with an option of processors ranging from Celeron to Intel Core2Duo.

For women, light-weight Zenith Presidio is a preferable option. It has a glossy piano finish in black and comes with a biometric finger print reader for secured computing. It is based on the 965 chipset from Intel, runs on Windows Vista Business and offers additional features like Bluetooth, 2 megapixel camera, Giga LAN, DVD writer and memory card reader.

Zenith Director Plus Ultra draws inspiration from stylish sports cars. Built with a magnesium alloy, the laptop is protected against bending caused due to any kind of impact and accidental drops. It has a dedicated 512mb graphics card with c2d processor and Intel pm45 motherboard. The laptop also has an integrated 2 megapixel camera and wireless card.

Source : indiatimes
Chat Box / Re: Thattuvam Of The Day
Jan 20, 2009, 03:54 PM
Enna Than Naai Nandri Ullatha Than Irunthalum Athala Thank You Solla Mudeyathu!!!!!!!! Idhuthan Valkai
Chat Box / Re: Thattuvam Of The Day
Jan 20, 2009, 08:39 AM
Adyar Anandhabavan branch Chennai fulla irukkum aanna Adyar Alamarathoda branch adyar-la mattum than irukkum.. ithu than ulagam
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel
if you win you need not explain... but if you lose you should not be there to explain...
Chat Box / Re: Quotes Of The Day
Jan 19, 2009, 08:43 AM
Sometimes i wish i were a little kid again,
skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.
'The wickets in hand paid off' - Sarwan

West Indies batsman Ramnaresh Sarwan has said he was confident of the team's chances in the second ODI against New Zealand in Christchurch, even after coming under severe pressure towards the end of the chase.

"We felt one big over could bring us back into the game and would do it for us," he said. "That's what we were counting on. That was part of our target and we got that big over to bring us back into the game."

West Indies took a 1-0 lead in the five-match series with a five-wicket win - the first was abandoned due to rain - with Sarwan adjudged the Man of the Match for his unbeaten 67 off 65 balls. He was supported by the captain, Chris Gayle, and Denesh Ramdin during West Indies' reply in the match, which was reduced to 28 overs a side due to rain.

"I was not getting frustrated. In the middle overs I was just trying to score as many singles as possible and rotate the strike," he said. "I thought all along that the key would be to have wickets in hand and that gave us the chance to launch. As you saw there at the end, the wickets in hand paid off."

Sarwan hit the winning run off the penultimate ball of the innings, after Denesh Ramdin's breezy 28 had taken the visitors to the brink. Ramdin kept a cool head under pressure and put on a crucial 48-run partnership for the sixth wicket with Sarwan that helped seal the win.

Ramdin was singled out for praise by Sarwan, who had earlier rallied the team ahead of the game and had called on the young guns to fire. "This innings is really going to give him a lot of confidence," said Sarwan. "He was under a bit of pressure but tonight he really played well. He took control, played freely and took the pressure off of me. He was the right man at the right time."

Earlier, the West Indies bowlers did well with new-ball operator Fidel Edwards and Jerome Taylor keeping New Zealand in check. Left-arm spinner Nikita Miller, who had his first bowl on tour, also impressed, picking up 2 for 26.

"The bowlers did the job for us up front. They were aggressive when they needed to be and worked well as a bowling unit to put the New Zealand batsmen under pressure. This will give us momentum for the rest of the series," Sarwan said.

The third match will be played at the Westpac Stadium in Wellington on Wednesday.

Source : cricinfo
'India-Sri Lanka series currently only speculation' - BCCI

An Indian one-day series against Sri Lanka is still in the realm of speculation, the BCCI has said, and will be considered only after the board receives a response from New Zealand Cricket (NZC) on its request for adding an extra Test to the original two-Test tour schedule.

Ratnakar Shetty, the BCCI's chief administrative officer, told Cricinfo the Indian board is yet to exchange any official written communication with Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) in this regard. "What is official so far is that we have requested New Zealand to accommodate an extra Test to the series in March," Shetty said. "We are waiting for a response from their side."

Asked about the one-day series against Sri Lanka, he said, "We will move on any such series only after the New Zealand schedule is confirmed. We expect a positive response from New Zealand but they are the home board and will have to consider the logistics at their end."

A New Zealand Cricket (NZC) official, meanwhile, said they would soon take a decision on India's request. "We are considering the request and a decision is likely to come out this week," Stephen Hill, NZC spokesperson, said.

Andy Moles, the new New Zealand coach, has already welcomed the opportunity to play another Test against India, "time willing". New Zealand is currently hosting West Indies and their international schedule is packed till February 13, when they complete a one-day series in Australia.

The BCCI had asked NZC to accommodate an extra Test for the series starting on March 6 -- two Tests, five ODIs, one Twenty20 -- after the Indian government refused to clear the Indian team's tour to Pakistan this month. Sri Lanka subsequently agreed to tour Pakistan during the same period but last week, Gamini Lokuge, Sri Lanka's sports minister, said that SLC officials were also in talks with their Indian counterparts to arrange a one-day series.

Shetty admitted there "may have been some verbal communication" between certain Indian and Sri Lankan officials on a one-day series but insisted that nothing concrete has emerged.

Source : circinfo
Chat Box / Oram under new injury cloud
Jan 05, 2009, 04:30 PM
Oram under new injury cloud

Jacob Oram, the New Zealand allrounder, is under another injury cloud after suffering an Achilles tendon problem during the defeat to West Indies in the second one-day international in Christchurch.

It has been another injury-hit season for Oram, who flew home from the Test tour of Australia with a back problem and then succumbed to a calf injury as he prepared for the series against West Indies. Andy Moles, the New Zealand coach, believes the latest setback could be linked to the previous calf problem.

"The calf is fine. It's now just a case of finding out the extent of the referred pain he has in his Achilles tendon," he told NZPA. "It's a lot better this morning than it was last night but we just need to make sure it's nothing serious. We'll know that information once the medical people look at him."

Oram was one of eight New Zealand players due to turn out for their states on Monday in a bid to spend some time in the middle. The decision to release players for domestic duty was made when it appeared the second ODI was heading for washout, following the abandonment of the opening game in Queenstown.

Even though a 28-over contest was possible - which West Indies won with two balls to spare - Moles knows his batsmen are short of time in the middle as they look to level the series in Wellington on Wednesday.

"We've practised really well but there's no substitute for working in the middle," he said. "We spoke to the selectors and the players and the really pleasing thing was that the players were keen to go and play."

While Moles has a few selection issues to resolve because of form and injury, his opposite number John Dyson is hoping to have Shivnarine Chanderpaul back for the next match. Chanderpaul has missed the opening two games after soreness in his left hand but is making good progress.

"It's getting better. Hopefully by tomorrow morning when we go back into the nets he will be back in the nets and batting as he usually does for hours," Dyson said.

Dyson, though, was full of praise for how Ramnaresh Sarwan and Denesh Ramdin paced the run chase in Christchurch after the game appeared to be slipping away.

"I thought they played extremely well. Sarwan played a controlled innings and it was important that he was there at the finish," he said. "Ramdin came in and just gave us that little bit of punch that we needed to finish the game off."

Source : cricinfo
Siddle's five gives Australia the edge

Peter Siddle's first five-wicket haul in Tests halted a familiar third-day fightback from South Africa, who, with the exception of Mark Boucher and Morne Morkel, finally showed signs of tiring at the end of a whirlwind series. Australia closed the day with an advantage of 151 and on a cracking surface it was a more than useful buffer with ten wickets in hand.

Matthew Hayden survived a perilously tight lbw shout from Dale Steyn late in the day as Australia faced a tricky 20-minute period that closed a day that, but for one partnership, belonged largely to Australia. Boucher and Morkel combined for a 115-run sixth-wicket stand, the only highlight for a generally lacklustre South Africa.

When Siddle broke the stand with a straight ball that crashed into Morkel's middle stump, the end came quickly. Siddle kept the ball on target and rattled the stumps of Steyn and Boucher and trapped Paul Harris in front to finish with 5 for 59, which gave Australia a first-innings lead of 118.

It was always going to be a revealing day for an Australian attack as green as the SCG outfield. With Brett Lee and Stuart Clark watching on in varying degrees of bandaging, Shane Warne in the commentary box and Glenn McGrath encouraging the crowd to turn pink for breast cancer awareness, Ricky Ponting was relying on a bowling group that boasted Mitchell Johnson as its most experienced member.

The task was to change the familiar script of South African comebacks and for the first session the signs were good for Australia. Three wickets and a strangling of the run-rate suggested the match might not head in the same direction as the first two Tests, and Siddle's strikes ended the day on a high. The problem for Australia was what was sandwiched between the good times.

The Boucher-Morkel effort continued the series trend of lower-order batsmen outshining their more fancied colleagues, just as Johnson and the Australian tail had done in the first innings. Boucher was the key man for South Africa and his first half-century of the tour came at a valuable time. There was no Graeme Smith in the dressing room - he flew to Melbourne for treatment on his injured elbow - and the visitors needed another tough customer to show some grit.

Boucher will not be South Africa's captain in the field, that role will be taken by Neil McKenzie, but he led from the front with the bat. He began in defensive mode, just trying to stem the flow of wickets, and gradually built up his strokeplay to keep the scoreboard ticking. Three fours from an off-target Andrew McDonald over took him past fifty, although he missed the chance for a sixth Test hundred when he was the last man out for 89.

Morkel, like his fellow left-hander Johnson, played with a straight bat and put away some boundaries with proper cuts and pulls. His 40 was his highest Test score and the stand with Boucher proved a major frustration for Australia. Both men had moments of incredible fortune and the Australians were baffled as to how a bail bobbed up and back down into position not once but twice, when Nathan Hauritz turned one into Boucher's leg stump and when Morkel's inside edge off Johnson clipped the side of his off stump.

At least neither moment came off the bowling of Doug Bollinger, who already was nearly tearing out his carefully replaced hair as he had a couple of awfully close lbw shouts turned down. Bollinger is a demon on the SCG surface in state matches but couldn't break through for a maiden Test wicket on debut, though his figures of 0 for 78 were not a fair reflection of his efforts.

It was a challenging day for Australia's bowlers. Hauritz was expectedly tidy though without success, Johnson tried hard for his two wickets and the debutant McDonald proved a mostly economical medium-pacer, relying heavily on offcutters around the 125 to 130kph mark. Things became tough for McDonald later in the day but in the first session he was unfailingly accurate in a spell of 1 for 4 from eight overs. The success came when he nipped one back off a crack to trap Hashim Amla lbw for 51.

Amla had been the main man early for South Africa and he concentrated hard to bring up his half-century from 125 balls. In the second over of the day he had lost his overnight partner Jacques Kallis, who slashed carelessly at a wide one from Johnson and edged to slip. It was symbolic of the lethargy shown by South Africa in the first session, although AB de Villiers would have been more embarrassed by his dismissal.

The ground was bathed in pink for Jane McGrath Day - even the statue of Yabba had some pink zinc cream daubed on its cheeks - but de Villiers was left red-faced after he was run-out at the striker's end by a direct hit from Johnson at mid-on. de Villiers began the run inexplicably flat-footed and failed to reach top speed, although his lack of pace seemed somehow appropriate in a session that brought only 51 runs.

Johnson chipped in again when he jagged one back off a crack to pin JP Duminy in front for 13 and there began the Boucher and Morkel fightback. But at the end of the day it was not enough to give South Africa a lead and their chances of completing a whitewash by Wednesday had faded.

Source : circinfo
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Jan 05, 2009, 03:58 PM
Hereby - by means of this
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Jan 05, 2009, 03:55 PM
Timothy - herd's grass
KDPS Infotecture Inc
Chat Box / Re: Today In History
Jan 05, 2009, 03:16 PM
January 5

January 5, 1972 Largest crowd at Cleveland Arena (Cavs vs Lakers-11,178)

January 5, 1972 NASA announces development of space shuttle

January 5, 1972 New York City transit fare rises from 30 cents to 35 cents

January 5, 1972 President Nixon signs a bill for NASA to begin research on manned shuttle

January 5, 1972 West-Pakistani sheik Mujib ur-Rahman freed

January 5, 1971 1st one-day international, Australia vs. England at the MCG

January 5, 1971 Globetrotters lose 100-99 to New Jersey Reds, ending 2,495-game win streak

January 5, 1971 US heavyweight "Sonny" Liston's (36) corpse found

January 5, 1970 23,000 Belgian mine workers strike

January 5, 1970 KPTS TV channel 8 in Hutchinson-Wichita, KS (PBS) begins broadcasting

January 5, 1970 Soap Opera "All My Children," premieres on ABC

January 5, 1969 "Maggie Flynn" closes at ANTA Theater New York City after 82 performances

January 5, 1969 Bollingen prize for poetry presented to John Berryman and Karl Shapiro

January 5, 1969 Neville Williams' "Chronology of the Expanding World" completed

January 5, 1969 U.S.S.R. Venera 5 launched for 1st successful planet landing (Venus)

January 5, 1968 Dr. Benjamin Spock indicted for conspiring to violate draft law

January 5, 1968 Dubcek succeeds President Novotny as party leader of Czechoslovakia

January 5, 1967 KLXA (now KTBN) TV channel 40 in Fontana-San Ana, California (IND) begins

January 5, 1964 Pope Paul VI visits Jordan and Israel

January 5, 1964 San Diego Chargers win AFL-championship

January 5, 1963 "Camelot" closes at Majestic Theater New York City after 873 performances

January 5, 1963 "Carnival!" closes at Imperial Theater New York City after 719 performances

January 5, 1963 San Diego beats Boston 51-10 in AFL championship game

January 5, 1962 Tony Sheridan and Beatles produce "My Bonnie" and "The Saints"

January 5, 1961 US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba
Chat Box / Today In History
Jan 03, 2009, 11:23 PM
January 3

January 3, 1969 John Lennon's "2 Virgins" album declared pornographic in NJ

January 3, 1969 Rep Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. seated by Congress

January 3, 1967 "Tonight Show" is shortened from 105 to 90 minutes

January 3, 1967 Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys is indicted for draft evasion

January 3, 1967 WJAN TV channel 17 in Canton, OH (IND) begins broadcasting

January 3, 1966 Floyd B McKissick, named national director of CORE

January 3, 1964 Jack Paar Show, shows a clip of the Beatles singing "She Loves You"

January 3, 1963 WOUB TV channel 20 in Athens, OH (PBS) begins broadcasting

January 3, 1962 Ground is broken for the Houston Astrodome

January 3, 1962 Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro

January 3, 1961 Adam Clayton Powell elected Chairman of House Education and Labor

January 3, 1961 US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba

January 3, 1959 Alaska admitted as 49th U.S. state

January 3, 1958 Edmund Hillary reaches South Pole overland

January 3, 1958 Lindsay Kline takes a hat-trick vs. South Africa at Cape Town

January 3, 1957 1st electric watch introduced, Lancaster Pa

January 3, 1955 Jose Ramon Guizado becomes president of Panama

January 3, 1952 "Dragnet" with Jack Webb premieres on NBC TV

January 3, 1952 Australia beat West Indies by one wicket at the MCG, last stand 38

January 3, 1951 9 Jewish Kremlin physicians "exposed" as British/US agents

January 3, 1951 Fred Wilt wins AAU Sullivan Memorial Trophy (U.S. athlete of 1950)

January 3, 1949 "Colgate Theater" dramatic anthology series premieres on NBC TV

January 3, 1948 Bradman completes dual Test tons (132 and 127*) vs. India MCG

January 3, 1947 1st opening session of Congress to be televised
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Jan 03, 2009, 03:41 PM
Effrontery  - Audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
Edutech India
Hedron Systems
xanthous   -   yellow; yellowish
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Jan 02, 2009, 01:16 PM
Reactivity - Responsive to stimulation
EntComm Asia
Mexcess Solutions
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Jan 02, 2009, 07:06 AM
Chat Box / Re: Today In History
Jan 02, 2009, 07:01 AM
January 2

January 2, 1978 Bulent Ecevit forms government in Turkey

January 2, 1978 Rhino Records releases their 1st album "Wildmania"

January 2, 1977 Bowie Kuhn suspends Braves owner Ted Turner for one year due to tampering charges in Gary Matthews free-agency signing

January 2, 1975 U.S. Department of Interior designates grizzly bear a threatened species

January 2, 1974 55 MPH speed limit imposed by Richard Nixon

January 2, 1974 Worst fire in Argentine history destroys 1.2 million acres

January 2, 1972 "Rothschilds" closes at Lunt-Fontanne Theater New York City after 505 performances

January 2, 1972 Dallas Cowboys beat San Francisco '49ers 14-3 in NFC championship game

January 2, 1972 Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars

January 2, 1972 Miami Dolphins beat Baltimore Colts 21-0 in AFC championship game

January 2, 1971 A barrier collapses at Ibrox Park football ground at end of a soccer match in Glasgow Scotland, killing 66

January 2, 1970 Dutch premiere of musical "Hair" in Amsterdam

January 2, 1970 U.S. population is 293,200,000; Black population: 22,600,000 (11.1%)

January 2, 1969 "Fig Leaves Are Falling" opens at Broadhurst Theater New York City for 4 performances

January 2, 1969 "Soviet Sport" calls Emile Zatopek a public enemy

January 2, 1969 Lorraine Hansberry's "To be Young, Gifted and Black," premieres in New York City

January 2, 1968 "Zizi" closes at Broadway Theater New York City after 49 performances

January 2, 1968 Christian Barnard performs 2nd heart transplant

January 2, 1968 KBHK TV channel 44 in San Francisco, California (IND) begins broadcasting

January 2, 1966 1st Jewish child born in Spain since 1492 expulsion

January 2, 1966 Green Bay Packers beat Cleveland Browns 23-12 in NFL championship game

January 2, 1965 Martin Luther King, Jr. begins a drive to register black voters

January 2, 1965 New York Jets sign quarterback Joe Namath

January 2, 1965 Obverse design of all Canadian coins is changed to depict present-day

January 2, 1964 Ayub Khan elected president of Pakistan
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Dec 31, 2008, 03:50 PM
Family - A social unit living together
Chat Box / Re: Interesting game
Dec 31, 2008, 11:12 AM