IP University increases seats in popular courses

Started by sajiv, Jul 12, 2009, 11:20 PM

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IP University increases seats in popular courses

There is good news for students looking for a seat in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University here as it has increased its intake of students for some of the popular courses.

The seats for BBA have gone up substantially from 2,454 last year to 4,330 for the upcoming new academic year -- an increase of 1,876 seats. "This has been achieved by adding 10 new institutions in BBA, introducing evening shifts in some institutes, and increasing the seats in existing institutions. Every year we revise the number of seats. We have also increased the intake in view of the large number of applications received for some of these programmes," said an official of the University.

The University is also starting two new specialisations in BBA -- BBA international hospitality and BBA modern office management -- with an intake of 45 and 70, respectively. About 600 seats have increased in the BCA programme, from 1,235 offered last year to 1,835 now. In BCA, three new institutions have been added and a second shift has been introduced at more institutions.

"The Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication is another programme where seats have increased from 550 last year to 880. Two new institutions have been added and an evening shift has been introduced in this course as well," he said.

There is a possibility of an increase of nearly 600 seats in engineering programmes at the varsity, he added.