How to Really Get a Job After Graduating College

Started by hari, Apr 18, 2008, 07:41 PM

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You were in for a rude awakening. You were sure that your college degree would get you a great job like the ones you saw on television with happy employees giving presentations. You were sure that you would be strolling into a great paying job right now in high heels and tailored suits.

However, you find that after being out for about six months to almost three years, you are still living with your parents or considering moving back with your parents because none of the jobs you search for online are paying enough for you to pay off your loans, your high credit card debt, and the rent for any apartment you might consider. Also, you find that none of the jobs you see online even seem remotely challenging, and you find that when you apply for those jobs online, you have to compete with thousands and thousands of people so soon you are asking yourself, "What exactly is the point of all of this?"

Well after graduating from an Ivy League school in 2005 and living with my parents for almost two years and having to turn in several w2s to the IRS due to having several different jobs, I believe that I have found the best way to get a job. Also, I was a film and English major.

Let me tell you folks, it's not as difficult as sending out hundreds of cover letters. All you need is one really good resume. Maybe you need a cover letter, but mostly what you need is "you." You go out and get yourself that job. Go. Go to a career fair and introduce yourself to a recruiter. Stop trying to set people up with your resume before they meet the actual person behind that piece of paper. Shake the recruiter's hand and let him or her know that you are the one, baby. Don't underestimate your charm, your pizzazz, or your smile. There is no one else for whatever position they are even thinking about opening up, but you. Let your body language and your poise say that, and before you know it, those recruiters will barely even look at the entry-level experience you have on your resume. It's worked for me several times. I received my highest paying and most interesting jobs this way.

Are you a communications major? Try this. Go to Google and type in "communications internship fair." See what you come up with in your area. You would be surprised at who is actually offering a job at these fairs and even if they aren't offering paying jobs, please don't let money and debt run your life. If you don't have any kids, the only person you have to support is yourself so work for free for a bit. Take a risk. Do an unpaid internship.I know you have bills. We all have bills, but you don't want to be saying 15 years from now,"Well I didn't take that. I needed money, and I regret it to this day." I took an unpaid internship and was offered a job in a very creative field. I turned it down, and it felt great to finally have options. Now I'm interning at a television station and doing very intensive production work and making commercials that are going on the air. I had been on dozens of interviews and was told,"No experience. Sorry."

So, what are you waiting for? Give those companies some face time. Get from behind that computer and get in your car and meet some people. I'm not necessarily talking about people who know people. Although I've heard this works too, but people who work at the companies. Do this and follow up with the people after you meet them. Before you know it, they will be calling you. They will be having meetings in their managers office trying desperately to get you in there because they see something about you that they don't see in that stack of resumes. They see you. Don't forget to dress to impress when you go to those career fairs too. That's something a lot of people miss.
Thanks and Regards,