Customize / hide the Favorite Links list

Started by aruljothi, Jun 29, 2009, 01:05 PM

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The Navigation Pane is devided into two sections: Favorite Links & Folders.
The Favorite Links contains links to commonly used folders and saved searches.
You can add new links by dragging folders and/or saved searches into the list.
You can also drag folders from the Folders list to the Favorite Links section.
This is a convenient way to quickly access folders and searches you use often.
You can reposition a link by dragging it to the position where you want it to be.
To remove a link from the list, right-click on the link and select Remove Link.
Restore default links: right-click a blank area and select Restore Default Favorite Links.

Hide Favorite Links: drag the Folders list to the top of the Navigation Pane