BU makes SAP compulsory for commerce streams

Started by dwarakesh, Jun 01, 2009, 09:29 AM

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COIMBATORE: SAP software will be introduced in some undergraduate programmes. It will be part of the main syllabus and will be offered as a separate paper.

To begin with, B. Com., BBM, M. Com. and MBA courses would be included in this programme. Every year, more courses would be brought into the fold, the Vice-Chancellor said.

The software would be sold by the university to the colleges that wished to offer the programme in their commerce courses.

Once the college procured the software, the representatives from the company would go to the respective colleges and train two teachers interested in learning the software. The training would be for one month.

The teachers would then take classes for the students. It would involve theory as well as practical classes that would be for 60 hours.

Students would have the subject for a semester at the end of which they would have to write the university examination like for any other normal paper. Another separate examination would have to be written for SAP certification.