Queue implementation using single linkedlist

Started by aruljothi, Mar 31, 2009, 11:06 AM

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struct node
   int n;
   struct node* next;
typedef struct node sn;
sn *qit(sn *);
sn *rit(sn *);
sn *q =NULL;
static int k=1;
int main()
   char i;
   sn *qp;
Press 1 to put an element in queue
   printf("Press 2 to remove an element from queue
   printf("Press any other to exit
Enter choice:");
      case 1:
      printf("Enter element:");
      qp->next = NULL;
      q = qit(q);
      case 2:
      printf ("Queue list Empty
      q = rit(qp);
   while (i==1 || i==2);
   return 0;

sn *qit(sn *p)
   sn *t;
   printf("Enter element:");
   p->next = t;
   t->next = NULL;
   return t;


sn *rit(sn *sq)
   sn *st;
Removed element is: %d",sq->n);
   if(sq->next == NULL)
Last element
   return NULL;
   sq = sq->next;
   return sq;