Mozilla and Google back 3D web standard

Started by ganeshbala, Mar 26, 2009, 12:12 AM

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Mozilla and Google back 3D web standard

The reality of a 3D web came that little bit closer to fruition this week with the announcement that Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox web browser, and Google have teamed up with Khronos, the 3D graphics consortium.

Neil Trevett, president of the Khronos Group spoke at the Game Developers' Conference in San Francisco and announced the consortium's plans for a 'royalty free standard for Accelerated 3D on the web'.

"The industry has been searching for a way to bring dynamic 3D content to everyone's web browser for many years," said Trevett.

"The convergence of increasing JavaScript performance and pervasive access to accelerated OpenGL and OpenGL ES presents a potentially historic opportunity to make open, general purpose 3D capabilities available to web developers and web browsers everywhere.

"We warmly invite any interested company to join Khronos and become involved in this exciting initiative."

3D for a wider audience

This warm invite was quickly snapped up by Mozilla, who originally came up with the 3D web proposal.

Source : techradar