Good Answers to Interview Questions

Started by nithyasubramanian, Jan 14, 2009, 10:23 PM

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Good Answers to Interview Questions

These are some of the most frequently asked questions and probable replies to these are as follows: -
1)    Tell me about yourself (This question is framed in different ways make sure you understand the underlying concept present in them).
Follow these steps: -
(i)   Give a brief introduction about yourself which should include your name, place where you are living, educational qualifications, skills, experience, organization name, references.
(ii)   You would tell your hobbies, interests, passions, etc
(iii)   End it and wait for another question from the interviewer.

2)   Why did you leave your previous company or ex employer?
Be honest while answering this question because there might be background checks. For this question follow these steps: -
•   I left my previous company because of
Reasons: -
(i)    Inadequate compensation for the work I performed or undertook and then state the work or projects you have completed.
(ii)   Because of travel related problem if you have one because of long distance travelling to the work place.
(iii)    Extensive outstation works demanded the job which affected my health thought which prompted me to quit the company etc., there can "n" number of reasons and it is good to state them by being honest.

3)   Why do you want to work for this organization in particular? Explain why?
Before answering to this question you need to do a lot of research work. Do research work on your company and the job position you have applied to.
Some interviews ask you behavioral interview questions it is better to think and answer those questions. Those questions test your knowledge and past experience never try to fool.

4)   What interests you in this job particularly than the other jobs?
Try to explain him about the interests you have in this job and also the necessary reasons which promoted to choose this field than the other sectors. If you are into computer science explain why you like computer science and what are your interests you have in this Job.

5)   What are your goals and ambitions?
When answering this question you should say why you have that specified goal and ambition.
(i)   How you would like to achieve the goal
(ii)   What company can do for that accomplishment?
(iii)   To what extent you have achieved your goal and the progress of that?

6)   Does you friend know about this job position?
This is a trick question and you should answer it accordingly never try to convince the interviewer speak facts.

7)   Where would you like to see yourself after five years? When answering this question make yourself comfortable, this question is framed in many different ways?
I would like to see my self as an------ and I am confident in achieving that position because of my skills and abilities. This is the way in which I would like to achieve that position and then start explaining to the interviewer about the blue print. While answering these types of questions you need to speak to the point. Don't drag the conversation because it can have a negative point.

8)   What was your contribution to your previous project?
Make sure to detail him about all the possible ways you helped in completing the project. The interviewer should understand about the possible ways and technical skills you have used to complete the project in time. You need to explain him all the procedures you incorporated like the platform, IDE, Testing tools, debugging, major problems you faced, etc.

9)   How much do you expect your salary and state if you want any additional benefits?
When answering this question do detail him about your salary expectations. Interviewers will negotiate when you say you want some extra amount than the normal pay scale so the ball is in your court do have high expectations.
Thanks and Regards
- Nithya Subramanian
Kenvivo Communications