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Create new Database

Started by VelMurugan, Dec 16, 2008, 09:45 PM

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Create new Database

In the next example, we are creating a database user and under that, we are creating a table visitor. The table visitor will be created with four columns: a primary key called 'id' that will be auto incremented as data is added to the table, and the remaining three columns are the character (VARCHAR) fields: 'name', 'address' and 'email'. Code-2 will help you to create the table successfully.

Code 2 :- db.php
  <title>Create Database </title>
  <p>Creating Database & table in MySQL.</p>
// Connecting to MySQL
$link mysql_connect("mysql_host""mysql_user""mysql_password") or die("Could not connect : " mysql_error());
"Connected successfully<P>";
$DB "user";
$table "visitor";
$result mysql_query($query) or die("ERROR while creating database".mysql_error());
"OK, database made, name of DB : $DB<br><br>");
$query2 "CREATE TABLE $table (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(25), address varchar(50), email varchar(25))";
$result2 mysql_query($query2) or die("ERROR while creating table".mysql_error());
"OK, table made, name of table : visitor<br><br>");


If db.php runs without any error, it generates the output as shown in Output-2.

QuoteOutput 2: db.php
Testing working of MySQL.
Connected successfully
OK, database made, name of DB: user
OK, table made, name of table : visitor

Source : Techxcel


Dear velu
How to delete the dolumn during runtime in My SQl?
Thiruvasakamani Karnan