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Started by VelMurugan, Apr 30, 2009, 03:24 PM

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HTML stands for (H)yper(T)ext (M)arkup (L)anguage. It has certain tags and attributes defined, and is geared towards document display over the World Wide Web. HTML documents can be viewed in browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, and Safari. On this page, we will introduce the notion of tags and attributes.


Tags are elements of the HTML document used to specify how the document should be displayed by the browser. In HTML, each tag has its own specific meaning, which is (in general) common across all different browsers. In fact, you may think of this tutorial as an introduction to the tags that are commonly used in writing HTML.


Attributes are associated with each tag to further define the tags.

The general syntax is as follows:

<tag attribute 1 = "value" attribute 2 = "value" ... >

A couple of other notes before we dive into the tutorial:

- HTML tag codes are case-insensitive.

- Many browsers will ignore badly-formed HTML documents. In other words, it is often okay to have a tag without the corresponding closing tag.


The HTML Tags is

1. <article>  Defines an article
2. <aside>  Defines content aside from the page content
3. <canvas>  Defines graphics
4. <datalist>  Defines details of an element
5. <footer>


There are many HTML tags available in HTML language. Like as, <img />, <input />, , <isindex>, <kbd> etc. HTML tags provide the foundation for web page design. To provide more flexibility with HTML design, attributes have been defined for HTML tags to alter the behavior of any particular HTML tag.