Program for Armstrong Number

Started by thiruvasagamani, Sep 22, 2008, 11:30 AM

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Test a number is armstrong or not

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int armstrong( int n)
int sum = 0, a, rem;
a= n; // copy given value to a different variable 'a'
while( n > 0) // execute loop until 'n' becomes 0
rem = n % 10; // extract digits in number from right to left
sum + = rem * rem * rem ; // cube each digit is number and add to sum
n = n/10; // modify 'n' value to avoid infinite loop
return ( a == sum); // sum of the cubes of digit equal to given number

int n, armstrong ( n);
printf( " enter any value \n");
if( armstrong ( n) )
printf( " armstrong number \n");
printf(" not armstrong number \n");

If enter a number 'n' is 153 output is armstrong number

If you enter 'n' is 153 sum of cubes of the each digit in a number is equal to a given number
If n= 153
sum = 13 + 53 + 33 = 153 it is armstrong number
Thiruvasakamani Karnan