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Simple Programs for C

Started by thiruvasagamani, Sep 22, 2008, 10:29 AM

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Every 'c' program must contain main(),it is operating system which calling main function.When we run program.It is not possible to run a program without main.Main() is neither user defined nor reserved word.

Invalid: MAIN()

2. Block :

st 1;
st 2;

Block is a collection of statements,it is also known as compound statement.Block must be enclose in braces.

declaration statements;------> F9
Executable statements;------ > Ctrl+F9

We must write declaration statements before executable statements.Declaration are processed by compiler. executable statements are processed by CPU.
int a;
int b;
int c;
We cannot write declaration statements after executable statements.
int a=10;
printf("%d",a);---- > error
Variables declared in a block are not visible outside the block, they are lost when block terminates.

3. Nested Block :

int a= 10;

int b=20;
printf("%d\n",a);--- > 110
printf("%d\n",b);---- >20
} ----> b is lost
printf("%d\n",a);---- >10
printf("%d \n",b);//error

}------ > a is lost

Block in a block is nested block,'a' is outer block variable,'b' is inner block variable.Outer block variable can be accessed in a inner block, but not viceversa.

4.Comments :
Comments are used for more clarity & better redability.Write comments whereever clarification are needed.Comments are ignored by compiler .C file contains comments, .EXE file does not contains comments.We can write comments anywhere in the program.
NOTE: Nested comments are not allowed.
/* .......
/* .......

5.# include :

We have to include header files before main functions for printf() and scanf() those are <stdio.h> , <conio.h>
When we call predefined function,corresponding file must be include.When we calling scanf() include file in the program . # is pre processor directive all functions in file are substituted in program by preprocessor.

All functions in stdio.h are substituted.
Thiruvasakamani Karnan