Bharathiar University Commerce M.Com Degree Examination HRM

Started by aruljothi, Aug 27, 2008, 12:47 PM

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D 4531

M.Com Degree Examination, MAY 2006
(for the candidates admitted from 2004 and onwards) Semester Pattern


SECTION A (20*1 = 20)
Answer ALL the question

1. What is perception?

2. What do you mean by esteem needs?

3. What is meant by esteem needs?

4. Define "leadership"?

5. What do you mean by job analysis?

State True or False:

6. A test which is designed to measure the level of intelligence is called intelligence test.

7. Performance test or trade test is achivement test.

8. Performancer sucess is through personality test.

9. Measuring human performance is aptitude test.

10. Interest tesat is used discover a persons area of interest.

Fill in the blanks:

11. Any strong stimulus that implies action is called__________.

12. Loss of memory is _____________.

13. _______________ is the process of dertermining the relative worth of different jobs.

14. Factories Act was enacted in __________.

15. Royal Commission on labour was set up in ______________.

Match the following:

16. Existential process (a) Role of an individual

17. Copying process (b) Interative level

18. Empathic process (c) Group level

19. Building process (d) Intergroup level

20. Collaborative process (e) Individual level

SECTION B (5*6 = 30)
Answer ALL the question

21. (a) Define HRM. Write the importance of HRM in organization structure.
(b) What do you understand by Human Factor in decision making?

22. (a) What are the objectives of sensitivity training?
(b) What is learning process ? Explain.

23. (a) What are the factors affecting learning process?
(b) How does personality affect the behaviour of a person?

24. (a) What do you mean by "group dynamics"?
(b) What are the features of a task forces? Explain.

25. (a) Write a brief note on "group cohesiveness".
(b) Define Conflict. What are the issue involved in conflicts.

SECTION B (5*10 = 50)
Answer ALL the question

26. (a) Discuss the major findings of Hawthorne Experriments. What ar etheir implications for
management practices?
(b) What are the major contributions of behavioural approach to the study of organisational behaviour?

27. (a) What is job satisfaction? Explain the determinants of job satisfaction.
(b) Critically examine Herzberg's two-factor theory.

28. (a) Explain the managerial application application of preception.
(b) Define "personality". Explain the determinants of personality.

29. (a) Discuss the situations under which group decision-making is better than individual decision making.
(b) Explain the techniques for improving group decision making.

30. (a) Explain any two theories of leadership.
(b) Explain the factors influencing the role conflict.