2008 Alagappa University B.Sc EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Question paper

Started by ganeshbala, Aug 25, 2008, 11:20 PM

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B.Sc. (Psychology) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2008


(2005 onwards)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. How can Educational Psychology be made more functional in the work of the teacher?

2. How heredity contributes significantly towards physical constitution?

3. What do you mean by learning curve?

4. 'Motivation is a vital condition of learning'. Discuss the statement and suggest ways and means by which school learning can be effectively motivated.

5. What is conditioned response theory? What is its significance for class room teaching?

6. Describe any individual test of intelligence that you know. Mention its uses and limitations.

7. Explain Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality.

8. Describe the tools commonly used by the counsellers and mention for what each one is used.

PART B — (60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.

9. Why psychology should be called a science? Mention different criteria. Explain the nature of psychology in the light of these criteria.

10. Discuss the principles of growth and development in detail.

11. What is the meaning of individual differences? Discuss the causes and nature of individual differences.

12. Mention the main types of learning. Which theories of learning have a great significance to the teacher?

13. What are the different theories of intelligence? Discuss any two of them.

14. Which are the important techniques for the measurement of personality? Explain any two of them.

15. What is a backward child? What are the reasons for backwardness? What should be the nature of education for a backward child?