Program in C++ to delete the Pattern

Started by thiruvasagamani, Aug 06, 2008, 11:08 AM

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Program in C++ to delete the pattern

Here is the sample code try this


class text
   public :
      char ch[100];
      void readtext();
      void printtext();

class pattern : public text
   private :
      int count;
   public  :
      void deletepattern(char pat[], char result[]);   

void text::readtext()

   for(int i=0; (ch=cin.get())!='$'; i++);

void text::printtext()
   cout<<"Given text"<<endl;
   for(int i=0; ch ; cout.put(ch), i++);

void pattern::deletepattern(char pat[], char result[])
   for(int i=0,m=0; ch; i++)
      for(int j=0, k=i; ch[k]==pat[j] && pat[j]!='\0'; j++, k++);


void main (void)
   pattern tp;
   char pat[20], str[100];
   cout<<"Enter String"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter pattern"<<endl;
Thiruvasakamani Karnan