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SBI 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification of Engineer Posts

Started by NiveRoshni, Jun 15, 2021, 11:40 AM

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SBI 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification of Engineer Posts

State Bank of India 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification. SBI inviting applications for the positions of Engineer . Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.

Last Date for Submission of Application is on 28th June, 2021.

No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Engineer - 16 Posts

Qualification Details:
1. Post Name: Engineer (Fire)

2. Grade: JMGS-I

3. Nature of Engagement: Regular

4. Vacancy: 16

5. Educational Qualifications:

i) BE (Fire) from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur OR
ii) B.Tech (Safety & Fire Engineering)/ B.Tech (Fire Technology & Safety Engineering)/ B.Sc. (Fire) from UGC recognised university/ AICTE approved institution OR
iii) Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers (India/UK) OR
iv) Should have completed Divisional Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur.

6. Essential Experience:

i) If educational qualification is B.E. (Fire) from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur : No separate practical experience is required.
ii) If educational qualification is B.Tech (Safety & Fire Engineering)/ B.Tech (Fire Technology & Safety Engineering)/ B.Sc. (Fire) : Post qualification experience of minimum 3 years as a Station Officer or equivalent post in City Fire Brigade/ State Fire Service/ In-charge Fire Officer in Corporates/ Big Industrial Complex or as a Fire Officer in State/ Central Government/ PSUs, is required.
iii) If educational qualification is Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers (India/UK) or Divisional Officers from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur : Composite experience of minimum 3 years as a Station Officer or equivalent post in City Fire Brigade/ State Fire Service/ In-charge Fire Officer in Corporates/ Big Industrial Complex or as a Fire Officer in State/ Central Government/ PSUs, is required.

7. Essential Skills required: Candidate should be well versed with fire safety norms and state/ central government rules and regulations in fire safety and security.

8,.Specific skills required: Candidate should have intimate knowledge of Fire Prevention and Protection System such as Hydrant System, Fire Detection System, Sprinkler System etc. He/ She should also have knowledge of evacuation problem and Fire Audit.

9. Likely place of posting: All over India

10. Job Profile: - Improving the fire safety arrangements at branches and offices, carryout visits to the branches, organize periodic Fire drills, lectures, etc., carryout effective liaison with various Government Agencies and other administrative work related to the Fire Officer Desk or assigned by the controllers.

11. Pay Scale: 23700 – 980/7 – 30560 – 1145/2 – 32850 - 1310/7 - 42020


Age as on 31.12.2020: Max 40 years

Application Fee:
Application fees and Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) is 750/- ( Seven Hundred fifty only) for General, EWS and OBC candidates and nil for SC/ ST candidates

Documents Required:
a. Details of Document to be uploaded:

i. Brief Resume (PDF)

ii. ID Proof (PDF)

iii. Proof of Date of Birth (PDF)

iv. Educational Certificates: Relevant Mark-Sheets/ Degree Certificate (PDF)

v. Experience certificates (PDF)

vi. Caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS Candidates)

vii. Form-16/IT Return as on 31.03.2020, current salary slip, etc.

General Information:
i. Before applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above for that post as on the specified date and that the particulars furnished by him/ her are correct in all respects.

ii. In Case It Is Detected At Any Stage Of Recruitment That An Applicant Does Not Fulfil The Eligibility Norms And/ Or That He/ She Has Furnished Any Incorrect/ False Information Or Has Suppressed Any Material Fact(S), His/ Her Candidature Will Stand Cancelled. If Any Of These Shortcomings Is/ Are Detected Even After Appointment, His/ Her Services Are Liable To Be Terminated.

iii. The applicant should ensure that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and is properly and completely filled.

iv. Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Bank for such post in the Bank, in force at the time of joining the Bank.

v. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID alive for receiving communication viz. call letters/ Interview date advices etc.

vi. The Bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss of any communication.

vii. Candidates serving in Govt./ Quasi Govt. offices, Public Sector undertakings including Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions are advised to submit 'No Objection Certificate' from their employer at the time of interview, failing which their candidature may not be considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not be paid.

viii. In case of selection, candidates will be required to produce proper discharge certificate from the employer at the time of taking up the appointment.

ix. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online well before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability/ failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam. SBI does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of SBI.

x. Decisions Of Bank In All Matters Regarding Eligibility, Conduct Of Interview, Other Tests And Selection Would Be Final And Binding On All Candidates. No Representation Or Correspondence Will Be Entertained By The Bank In This Regard.

xi. The applicant shall be liable for civil/ criminal consequences in case the information submitted in his/ her application are found to be false at a later stage.

xii. Candidates belonging to reserved category including, for whom no reservation has been mentioned, are free to apply for vacancies announced for unreserved category provided, they must fulfill all the eligibility conditions applicable to unreserved category.

xiii. Where interview without any written test is the mode of recruitment, merely satisfying the eligibility norms does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for the interview after preliminary screening/ short-listing with reference to candidate's qualification, suitability, experience etc.

xiv. In case of multiple application, only the last valid (completed) application will be retained and the application fee/ intimation charge paid for other registration will stand forfeited. Multiple appearance by a candidate in interview will be summarily rejected/candidature cancelled.

xv. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Mumbai and Courts/ Tribunals/ Forums at Mumbai only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any cause/dispute.

xvi. Outstation candidates, who may be called for interview after short-listing will be reimbursed the cost of travel (train fare A/C III Tier - Mail / Express only) for the shortest route in India or actual expenses on the basis of actual journey (whichever is less). Local transportation will not be reimbursed. A candidate, if found ineligible for the post will not be permitted to appear for the interview and will not be reimbursed any fare.

xvii. Bank Reserves The Right To Cancel The Recruitment Process Entirely At Any Stage.

xviii. At the time of interview, the candidate will be required to provide details regarding criminal cases(s) pending against him/her, if any. The Bank may also conduct independent verification, inter alia, including verification of police records etc. The bank reserves right to deny the appointment depending upon such disclosures and/or independent verification.

Selection Process :
1. The selection will be based on shortlisting and interview. Shortlisting: Mere fulfilling minimum qualification and experience will not vest any right in candidate for being called for interview. The shortlisting committee constituted by the Bank will decide the shortlisting parameters and thereafter, adequate number of candidates, as decided by the Bank, will be shortlisted for interview.

2. The decision of the Bank to call the candidates for the interview shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. Interview: Interview will carry 100 marks. The qualifying marks in interview will be decided by the Bank.

3. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard Merit list : Merit list for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in interview only. In case more than one candidate scores the cut-off marks (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order, in the merit list.

How to Apply :
1. Online Application reopened for Registration from 15.06.2021 to 28.06.2021

2. Guidelines For Filling Online Application:

i. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website OR and pay the application fee using Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card etc.

ii. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be registered unless candidate uploads his/her photo and signature as specified on the online registration page (under 'How to Apply").

iii. Candidates should fill the application carefully. Once application is filled-in completely, candidate should submit the same. In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he can save the information already entered. When the information/ application is saved, a provisional registration number and password is generated by the system and displayed on the screen.

a. Candidate should note down the registration number and password. They can re-open the saved application using registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. This facility of editing the saved information will be available for three times only. Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the same and proceed for online payment of fee.

iv. After registering online, the candidates are advised to take a printout of the system generated online application forms.

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