Dream on Wheels : Cars that fly, Run on Air

Started by Sudhakar, Jan 23, 2008, 03:33 PM

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HI Acumen's ,

New Delhi: Think cars fly only in the movies? Well, meet the Skycar. A cross between a Ferrari and a Batmobile, it takes off vertically just like advanced fighter aircraft and is just one in a series of personal flying machines being developed around the world.

Cars this cool are still some way off. But driverless cars? Those you can get. For the past few years, robot cars have raced against each other, navigating deserts and city roads on their own, in contests backed by the US Army and private manufacturers.

Using easily available technology like GPS tracking, Intel computer chips and laser censors, they still aren't quite as good.

But in few years, they could replace our friendly neighbourhood taxi driver.

Robots or not, cars need gas and gas costs money. Then there are cars that run on air. Compressed air moves the pistons, which in turn drives the wheels. Result: absolutely no emissions and speeds up to 150 km per hour.

Tata Motors and French company MDI are already readying such a vehicle for Indian roads.


Source : IBN Live

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