'Doom Eternal' hits the Nintendo Switch on December 8th

Started by sushmi, Dec 01, 2020, 11:01 AM

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'Doom Eternal' hits the Nintendo Switch on December 8th

We weren't necessarily expecting 2016's beloved first-person shooter Doom to show up on the Nintendo Switch, but turns out id Software and Panic Button knew what they were doing. The whole experience worked well, no mean feat given that Doom was designed with the PS4 and Xbox One in mind. And now, we have good news for Switch fans who have been waiting to give Doom Eternal a shot: Nintendo announced this morning that the Doom sequel would hit the switch on December 8th, just over a week from now.


id Software made it clear last year that Doom Eternal would come to the Switch after it hit the PS4, Xbox One and PC, but we had no idea when, so this is a bit of surprise news for anyone looking for a new Switch title this winter. We haven't played the Switch port yet, but given how successful the port of 2016's Doom was, this is probably worth checking out if you enjoyed the earlier game. It might not look quite as detailed as the Xbox One or PS4 versions, but the core experience should be intact, and that's definitely a good thing.

SOURCE - https://www.engadget.com/doom-eternal-nintendo-switch-december-153800301.html