GMAT Quick Tips— Quantitative Ability, Problem Solving

Started by ganeshbala, Jul 08, 2008, 08:07 PM

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GMAT Quick Tips —  Quantitative Ability, Problem Solving

1.  If the question asks for a numerical value, the answer choices will increase in size as you read down the list. So if you estimate roughly the size of number the question asks for, then you can easily zero in on the most viable answer choices.

2. Always look for a shortcut to crunching numbers--a more intuitive way of getting to the right answer. The typical Problem Solving question is designed to allow for a longer way as well as a shorter way of solving it. So if you find yourself doing a lot of pencil work, then there's probably an easier way.

3. Geometry figures are drawn proportionately--unless a figure indicates explicitly that it is not drawn to scale. Nevertheless, don't rely on your eye to measure angle sizes, line segment lengths, or areas. Instead, use your knowledge of mathematics along with the numbers provided to solve the problem. Believe me: The test-makers are careful to ensure that no problem can be solved merely by visual measurement or estimation.

NOTE: The one exception involves Data Interpretation questions that require you to interpret bar graphs and line charts; you can (and should) rely on visual estimation for these questions.

4. If you're stuck, many questions allow you to work backwards by assuming hypothetically that each answer choice in turn is the correct one, then testing it by "plugging it in."

5. Use pencil and scratch paper for all calculations, and always check your calculations before confirming your response. Remember: Wrong answer choices will anticipate commonly made computational errors, and careless errors are the #1 cause of incorrect answers in GMAT Problem Solving.

6. In handling word problems (math problems cast in a real-world setting), make reasonable real-world assumptions. Don't split hairs by looking for subtle meanings or ambiguous language. The test-makers are not out to trick you in this way.