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Use the Expires Header

Started by sukishan, Aug 22, 2009, 06:50 PM

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Use the Expires Header

For best performance, your static assets should be exactly that: static. This means that there should be no dynamically generated scripts or styles, or <img> tags pointing to scripts that generate dynamic images. If you had such a need -- for example, you wanted to generate a graphic containing your visitor's username -- the dynamic generation could be taken "offline" and the result cached as a static image. In this example, you could generate the image once, when the member signs up. You could then store the image on the file system, and write the path to the image in your database. An alternative approach might involve scheduling an automated process (a cron job, in UNIX) that generates dynamic components and saves them as static files.

Having assets that are entirely static allows you to set the Expires header for those files to a date that is far in the future, so that when an asset is downloaded once, it's cached by the browser and never requested again (or at least not for a very long time, as we'll see in a moment).

Setting the Expires header in Apache is easy: add an .htaccess file that contains the following directives to the root folder of your i1 and i2 subdomains:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "modification plus 10 years"

The first of these directives enables the generation of the Expires header. The second sets the expiration date to 10 years after the file's modification date, which translates to 10 years after you copied the file to the server. You could also use the setting "access plus 10 years", which will expire the file 10 years after the user requests the file for the first time.

If you want, you can even set an expiration date per file type:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "modification plus 2 years"
ExpiresByType text/css "modification plus 5 years"

For more information, check the Apache documentation on mod_expires.

Name Assets

The problem with the technique that we just looked at (setting the Expires header to a date that's far into the future) occurs when you want to modify an asset on that page, such as an image. If you just upload the changed image to your web server, new visitors will receive the updated image, but repeat visitors won't. They'll see the old cached version, since you've already instructed their browser never to ask for this image again.

The solution is to modify the asset's name -- but it comes with some maintenance hurdles. For example, if you have a few CSS definitions pointing to img.png, and you modify the image and rename it to img2.png, you'll have to locate all the points in your style sheets at which the file has been referenced, and update those as well. For bigger projects, you might consider writing a tool to do this for you automatically.

You'll need to come up with a naming convention to use when naming your assets. For example, you might:

Append an epoch timestamp to the file name, e.g. img_1185403733.png.
Use the version number from your source control system (cvs or svn for example), e.g. img_1.1.png.
Manually increment a number in the file name (e.g. when you see a file named img1.png, simply save the modified image as img2.png).

There's no one right answer here -- your decision will be depend on your personal preference, the specifics of your pages, the size of the project and your team, and so on.

If you use CVS, here's a little PHP function that can help you extract the version from a file stored in CVS:

function getVersion($file) {

   $cmd = 'cvs log -h %s';
   $cmd = sprintf($cmd, $file);

   exec($cmd, $res);
   $version = trim(str_replace('head: ', '', $res[3]));

   return $version;

// example use
$file = 'img.png';
$new_file = 'img_' . getVersion($file) . '.png';
A good beginning makes a good ending

pradeep prem

this expires header should program has given easy way
this program should understood